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Ellen wakes up next to Patrick. His arm still around her.she carefully slides out of his grip. He stirs a little but Doesn't wake up.ellen her mind going crazy.thoughts filling her head.shes still hurt that he left those years ago but what happened last night brought up old feelings that she didn't know she had.she had to get out of there before he woke up.she quickly got clothes on and headed out the door. She jogged to her car and got in.she started her car and drove out of the parking lot onto the streets.she didn't know what she was gonna do. She's still broken from when he left her,does he really think he can just come back and it's just gonna go back to the way it was?

Patrick wakes up.slowly opening his eyes.noticing Ellen isn't in his arms anymore. "Ellen" he says wondering were she is "Ellen" he says Louder this time. He gets up and walks out of the bedroom.she isn't in the trailer.he sighs and puts clothes on.he has to be on set in a few hours and so does Ellen.He walks to his trailer and sits down on the couch.he starts running over the script but all he can think about is Ellen and what happened last night.he didn't understand why she left this morning before he knew it,it was time to go to the hair and make up trailer. When he walked inside of the trailer he saw Ellen. She was so perfect in every way. Patrick sat in the chair next to Ellen and the stylist started doing his hair. Patrick was done before Ellen. He walked out of the trailer but he needed to talk to Ellen so he waited out side. Ellen walked out a few minutes later. She saw Patrick but didn't want to talk to him about last night so she walked right past him."ellen" Patrick said,Ellen stoped but her back still facing Patrick. "We need to talk" Patrick said with a soft voice, a tear rolled down Ellens cheek and she turned around facing Patrick now. Patrick walked up to Ellen and wiped the tear away,"we need to talk but not here" Ellen said, she started walking to her trailer and Patrick followed, she walked into her trailer and Patrick closed the door, "why did u leave this morning" Patrick said,tears started rolling down Ellens face "I'm scared your gonna hurt me again,and it took me the longest time to actually stop thinking about you 24/7,I wasn't ever over you but I had my own family to think about,and then u come back and everything comes back up and I'm just...." Ellen said "your just what" Patrick said hurt that Ellen was crying over him "I'm just hurt" Ellen said the tears stopping, her make up wasn't that messed up, Patrick walked over to Ellen and looked into her Emerald green eyes "I promise I will never hurt you again,I'm sorry I hurt you,I should of never walked away but I'm here now and I'm gonna stay I'm not leaving Ellie,I love you" Patrick pulled Ellen into a hug and Ellen rested her head on Patrick's chest,in his arms she felt like she was home, her make up was messed up now "I missed you" she said In a whisper " I missed you to" Patrick said kissing Ellens forehead "you need to go back to the makeup and hair trailer and fix you makeup" Patrick said "okay I will see you later" Ellen said walking out of the trailer.

She got her makeup re done and she went onto set after, Patrick and Ellen only had a few scenes together.After a few hours they were don't filming and Ellen was just sitting in her trailer and Patrick knocked on her door.she got up and opened the door, she was just in sweat pants and a big sweat shirt, "your so adorable" Patrick said while walking in, Ellen laughed lightly "did u need something?" Ellen asked "no I just wanted to see you,I barley saw you all day" Patrick said "we have more scenes together tomorrow" Ellen said " I have a question?" Patrick asked awkwardly "would u be up for trying us out" Patrick said "like dating" Ellen laughed "yeah" Patrick said looking at Ellen,Ellen walked up to Patrick "yes" Ellen said with a smile.Patrick picked Ellen up and spun around "put me downnn" Ellen laughed. Patrick put Ellen down his hands on her waist and kissed her. All of the hurt went away,she trusted Patrick this time...

A/N~ I'm sorry the chapters are shorter then other books I will try to start making them longer.💗💗

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