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Patrick hasn't spoked to Ellen sense he went into her trailer that one night and talked to her.he sent her a text but no reply.he worried because she wasn't answering and at the moment all he wanted to do was to hold Ellen and never let go.she made him feel some kind of way he didn't understand.he was madly in love with Ellen and he regretted his mistake of picking Jillian the moment he did it.he couldn't wait until they started filming the episodes he was in cus he wanted to see Ellen to talk to her,but they go back to work into a week.he didn't think he could wait that long.he called Ellen,not knowing what he was gonna say,all he wanted was to here her voice.

Ellen hears her phone ringing,she runs upstairs to see who it is,she looks down at her phone and felt her heart skip a beat,she wanted to answer it but at the same time she didn't.she answered not knowing what to say

Patrick is surprised she answered but she didn't say a word "hello" he said, she shouldn't of answered but she couldn't hang up now "hi" she said back,right as Patrick heard her voice he was calm and not so anxious,how could a women's voice do that to someone,she isn't just a women he thought,she's Ellen pompeo.

"What did you call for" she said confused "um,when do we go back to work?" "Umm in exactly a week,Patrick?" "Yes" he replied "did u call me just to call me?or did u actually not know when we go back to work" Patrick sighed "you caught me" ,Ellen laughed into the phone which gave Patrick chills every we're,"I haft to go,I need to start singing my name on all those lines" Ellen said with enthusiasm "what do u mean" Patrick was confused "divorce papers"
"Oh" Patrick said trying not to sound happy "I know your smiling" Ellen said laughing "you know me to well" Patrick said also laughing "bye" they both said

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