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Last night I barley slept. The nervousness of today was racing through my veins and I couldn't fall asleep until late.

My phone lights up and I grab it, A text from Shonda to the Group chat we all used to use. Even Patrick's in it. She probably just accidentally picked the wrong one.

Shonda: Table read is at 1:00pm.

I check the time and it's already 11:30. I get out of bed in a hurry and go downstairs to make something to eat. Chris isn't home as usual. I never see him anymore. I'm always filming and he's always out doing who knows what.

I decide on cereal but am quickly full after eating have the bowl. I walk upstairs to take a shower and get dressed.

I put on plain skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I put my hair up into a ponytail not wanting to deal with the mess it is.

I walk out of my house and into my car driving to the studio.

I see Jessica right when I get there and we walk in together.

"What do you think is so important today?" Jessica says as we walk into the building.

"I have no clue" And in all honesty, I don't.

We walk into the room that's labeled 'table reads'. We find seats at the back of the round white table we all sit at.

Shonda walks in and everyone's head turns to her. She sits down with a coffee in her hand.

"You all are probably confused why today is so important, and it's because we're making some changes to the season as a whole."

Me and Jessica look at each other weirdly and then back at Shonda.

"You guys know this is a 'what if' season, we're bringing back some people to shoot with us"

My breath catches on my throat.

The door opens to the room and in walks a bunch of familiar faces. Sandra Oh, Chyler Leigh, Eric dane and T. R. Knight. A smile graces my face, I haven't talked to them in forever. This is good.

Well I thought.

The last person walks in the door and my heart drops to my stomach and the smile that was on my face seconds ago falls. I suddenly feel dizzy and sick.

Patrick Dempsey walks in with a big smile on his face.

His bright blue eyes meet mine and I feel as if everything is in slow motion. My head is racing but my body is frozen in place. I cant hear anything besides the ringing in my ears.

I'm snapped out of my trance as someone taps on my shoulder. I look to my side and it's Sandra Oh. No matter how much I hate the man that just walked in the room, i'm excited for everyone else that's back.

I get up giving her a big hug.

"Long time no see" She says when she pulls away.

"I'm glad your back" We sit back down at the table and start talking. Catching up on everything we've missed in each others lives. It's a good distraction.

After the table read was finished I got up suddenly not wanting to be in the same room as him anymore.

We kept making eye contact with each other but I would look away quickly. I was not focused the whole time.

We have to work together again. I really don't think I'll be able to do that.

I made it to my trailer in time as the tears start streaming down my face. I finally moved on. I was done with this bullshit between me and him. Then he decides to just come back?

I hear someone knocking on my door. I quickly wipe my tears and walk to the door and open it.

It's the last person I expected to be standing there. I try to shut the door not wanting to hear anything he has to say but his hand stops me from closing the door.

He pushes himself into my trailer and i'm forced to step aside.

I'm still standing by the door as he turns around to face me. He ages like fine wine. A little hair on his face makes him look a little older. His hair is a little shorter and he's more muscular. I internally slap myself for even thinking about him.

"Ellen-" He starts but I stop him quickly.

"Get out" Anger is bubbling inside of me. He can't just come back and push his way into MY trailer.

"Please-" No. I interrupt him.

"Why are you back?" I cross my arms waiting for an explanation.

"To shoot season 16" He says but the tone of his voice tells me he's lying.

My head tilts to the side slightly.

"For you, I came back for you" His voice drops.

"5 Years Patrick, It's been 5 years. Your a little late don't you think?" The attitude in my voice is clear.

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