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Ellen and Patrick just stared at each other  until Ellens eyes dropped to the floor, she didn't know what to say at the moment,she couldn't feel anything,Patrick was saying something but Ellen wasn't Listening. Ellen looks up at Patrick and says "get out" this time Patrick leaves cause he has nothing more to say to her,he said it all.Ellen only stands for seconds before collapsing onto the couch,she had so many questions running through her mind,why did he want her back?,will she take him back?,what about his family?,what about her family?
She had to go home before Chris thought something was going on.She walks to the bathroom and cleans her face off. Looking into the mirror,she can even see the pain in her eyes.she walks to her car still feeling weak,she drives home and when she gets there all she wants to do is go to bed,she walks up stairs and finds Chris In bed with and girl.Chris quickly gets up and says "it's not what it looks like" Ellen replies "it's exactly what it looks like" laughing while saying it.Her marriage was over alone time ago and she knew that. "Can You guys leave and never comeback" she says looking straight at Chris.they both get up and leave the house
She's doesn't want to lay were her soon to be ex husband just slept with another women so she walks over to the spare bedroom and sits down on the bed a bunch of thoughts crossing through her mind.she hears her phone buzz she got a text from someone.she sees who's it's from and doesn't want read it,she read it's anyway.

Patrick~I'm sorry for the pain I caused you today with me just showing up and all but, I want you ellen and I have loved you since we first met and I haven't stopped and I won't ever stop,I don't know if u feel the same anymore  but just to let you know I got a divorce 3 months ago;)

After she read it she had all sorts of feelings,anger,happiness,confused,sad, all of them just there.She didn't reply to the text message but instead she set her phone down and not wanting to think anymore she laid down and closed her eyes, eventually falling asleep
She wakes up thinking she was late for work,but she realized they had a couple of days off to get ready to start filming with Patrick.she got out of bed and went down stairs to find Chris there with a pile of papers and she gave him a curious look and he said "divorce papers,I signed them now it's your turn" she said "okay" she watched him as he walked out the doors and drive away.she felt relief that she hasn't felt in awhile.
She went to sit on the couch she turned on the tv,her thoughts started to come again. She loves Patrick,and when he said he still loved her,she was happy,she waited for that moment for along time now,but she couldn't help but think will he ever hurt her again?

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