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Harry waited outside in the rain, hoping that staying there would impress Lucas. He knew it wasn't going to, but he still hoped.

Harry needed the job, so bad, he didn't know how long he could stay hungry and from the look of his thin arms he knew it wasn't long.

Harry shivered as the rain poured down on him. He looked up when the door creaked open.

"What are you doing here kid? Don't you have a house to go to?" Lucas said grumpily.

Harry wanted to cry at the mention of a house. But he collected himself together.

"I need this job." He said his voice quivering.

Lucas's eyes furrowed, he was worried, anyone would be when there was a kid barely sixteen sitting outside their shop in the pouring rain.

"C'mon in kid. You'll fall sick." Lucas said motioning to his shop.

"I need the job." Harry repeated, this time his voice showed how desperate he was.

"Alright. You have it. Now c'mon in."
Lucas said and then extended his hand and Harry walked towards it.

Lucas held Harry by his shoulders and took him in his shop.


"You're one stubborn kid." Lucas said handing Harry a bowl of soup.

More like desperate, Harry thought.

But Harry didn't say anything just sipped his soup.

"Well you stay in here and get up at seven in the morning and get to work. You carve out a sword and then I'll tell you where you work." Lucas said walking out the door.

Harry just stared blankly at his soup.

What was he supposed to do?

He didn't know how to carve out a sword.

But this was the only job he could get.

His village didn't think baking was manly.

He couldn't do that, that was for sure.

Nobody showed interest in him, for the village to think he was with someone.

So he couldn't be taken in.

He didn't have a family who would look after him.

What was he supposed to do?

He wanted to cry, but what would that do?

He stared blankly at the wall.

He has to do something that was for sure.


Harry watched as the men beat the hot, melted metal. He prepared himself and walked over to the many metals kept and picked out what looked like bronze to him, along with steel. He didn't know if these were what the best swords were made of, but he had to choose.

He was observing what people were doing from his window and he had figured a little out.

He melted his metals together, which wasn't as easy as it looked.

He was sweating, he felt a bit dizzy and weak but he managed.

He beat the hot metal liquid.

His eyes widen as he saw his metals taking shape.

He was out of breath but he kept beating his metal.

Once it solidified, he placed the handle below.

But before putting it in the water for cooling, he took a sharp metal and carved the smallest 'H.S'.

After he dipped his sword in the water for cooling, he looked at. Admiring his work.

For a first time he thought he did good.

He saw Lucas walk in and he was about to go to him, but he didn't need to, because Lucas came to him, with a big smile on his face.

"You did a good job with the sword kid. Go get some food and sleep, I'll keep it out for sale."

Harry nodded and left for his room.

Harry watched from his window as Lucas hanged his sword out.

People didn't even glance at it.

Harry's heart sank bit by bit with each passing men.

No one showed interest in his sword, Lucas told it was okay, but Harry didn't believe him.

Then one day this boy came.

He was maybe nineteen?

Harry didn't know.

But Harry watched as he picked up Harry's sword and examined it.

Harry watched as a grin spread over his thin pink lips and his blue eyes as shone in excitement.

He paid Lucas the money and left, a skip in his steps.

And Harry couldn't be more grateful.


Harry focused on what the men were talking about around him while sharpening the man's sword.

"He's named the most deadliest bounty hunter now." One man said.

"He's only twenty."

"But his strength is compared to that of a lions."

"What did he even do?"

"He caught the man the king was looking for. The man was deadly. No one could ever find him until this guy."

"What's his name?"

"Louis Tomlinson."

Harry then shook his head and focused on the task in front of him.

Suddenly the men went silent.

Harry looked up to find the same boy, who had bought his sword a year back now,walking past them.

Harry could never forget him.

As the boy passed, with his sword slung around his waist, one of the men whispered,

"that's him."

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