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Louis sat on a chair, watching from the aisle, as women and men entered the palace.

"Anyone caught your attention yet?" Zayn asks from besides him.

"No, this is foolish Zayn. This isn't the way you find love." Louis says sighing.

"Prince Charming did find Cinderella this way." Zayn says, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's a fairytale Zayn plus I ain't no Prince Charming." Louis says, rolling his eyes.

"Every man is a Prince Charming and his partner is Cinderella, stop being so so.."

"Realistic? I will when I start living in a fictional world." Louis says, huffing his breath, clearly annoyed.

"Stop having so little faith in life. You can't always think that fairytales are for everyone else but yourself. I think that's a little unfair on your part. Stop being so hard on yourself." Zayn says, tired of his friend's behavior.

"C'mon the dance is about to start." He says extending his hand for Louis.

Louis sighed and clasped his hand in Zayn's, giving it a light squeeze telling his best mate that he appreciates his concern.

Louis walked down the staircase but stopped mid step. It was like everything else just disappeared and all he could see was the boy a few yards away from him.

Louis admired as the curly haired lad blushed and tried to stop the small kid from shouting "I want the rainbow cake!" He clasped the little boys mouth shut and told him "I will, not shut up."

Louis was in a trance. All he could see was that boy, everyone else seemed to just not exist. Louis loved the boys brown mop of curls, his pink lips that seemed so soft, his fair smooth skin and Louis wanted to touch him so bad.

"Earth to Louis!" Louis came out of his daze as Zayn snapped his fingers infront of Louis's face.

"What?" Louis asked lost, his sight still not leaving the boy.

"Oh! So you did find someone! Go talk to him Louis!" Zayn said excited.

"What? No. I can't just talk to him." Louis said panicked.

"Go ask him to dance." Zayn said, pushing Louis forward.


"He won't do shit, now go." Zayn said giving a last push.

Louis looked back at Zayn and glared at him. Zayn gave him a thumbs up and he shook his head.

Louis composed himself and made his way towards the boy, who was busy catching the little boy.

"Excuse me?" Louis said gently.

The boy turned towards Louis, the kid now tightly in his grasp.

The boy was more beautiful up close, his green eyes shining in the palace lights, his suit clunged to his lean body. His face smooth with scratches scattered around.

Louis watched as the boy opened and closed his mouth a several times.

"How can we help you?" The little boy said to Louis.

Louis looked at him.

"Sorry, you see this boy is a little shy, he only talks to bread." The little boy continued, pointing towards the older boy.

"Shut up." The older boy said, blushing.

Louis loved his voice, so strong and raspy.

"It's alright. I was just wondering would you like a dance?" Louis said, hoping his nervousness wasn't obvious.

"He'd love to, won't you Harry." The little boy said looking up to the boy.

Harry, so that was his name.

The name fitted him so perfectly.

"No, what about you? Who'll take care of you?" Harry said.

The little boy snorted, "like you care, I'll find mum and dad." The little boy said now running away.

"Umm." Harry said looking down.

"I won't do you any harm, I promise." Louis said.

"Okay I suppose." Harry said.

Louis smiled and extended his hand for the boy to take.

Harry placed his hand on Louis's and Louis would have thought it was bullshit if anyone else said it but he really did feel his stomach do weird things.

Louis placed his hands on Harry's hip and Harry placed his arms around Louis's neck.

Louis looked down on Harry and smiled looking at his face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Harry said, looking down.

"I don't know. You're just really beautiful." Louis said wanting Harry to look him in the eyes, so he could see the fondness, but he knew his limits.

"You're being too nice." Harry said, now finally looking up.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Louis said, raising his eyebrows.

"The nicer a man seems, the more suspicious one should be." Harry said shrugging his shoulders.

Louis smiled at that.

"Be all suspicious you want, love. Your conclusion about me will end up being nice."

"What makes you so sure?" Harry asks.

"Something just does." Louis says smiling.

"Well, where do you live?" Louis asks.

"I'll leave that up to you to find out." Harry says, removing his hand from around Louis's, giving him a small bow and leaving.

Louis stared as he left the palace.

"The bounty hunter got a bounty to hunt for." Zayn pipes in.

And Louis does.

The most precious, priceless bounty.

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