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So I've written a Niall One shot called 'Delphine' please have a look at it! And if you'll like this story please recommend it to your friends or something.Spread the Larry love !

"Louis?" Louis heard the queen call him out, bringing him out of his daze.

"Yes, your highness?" Louis asked, embarrassed for not being alert.

"You just zoned out there love." She said smiling.

"It's not the first time, he's being doing that since he saw the love of his life." Zayn said over exaggerating, his legs on the table.

"Is that so?," the queen said smiling,"and Zayn your legs of the table."

Zayn quickly put his legs down.

"It's nothing like that." Louis said, blushing.

"Would you care to explain where did you have lunch yesterday?" Zayn asked, smiling knowingly.

" Harry's.." Louis replied, blushing more.

"Ha gotcha." Zayn said, picking up a newspaper to read.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about Louis, how about this, call him for dinner tomorrow in the palace." The queen said smiling.

"I'll ask him." Louis said, grinning.

"Alright now- Zayn feet of the table- the king has got another task for you."

"Haven't hunted a bounty for a while now." Louis said, stretching.

"If you weren't so busy with lover boy." Zayn said snickering.

"Well you could've done that for me you piss-"

"Now boys," the queen said with a stern look,"Louis the criminal is said to be on the run, he's rumoured to be travelling East. Now everything will be ready as per your order, tell the men which direction you want to head and everything. Alright?"

"Sure thing, your highness." Louis said, smiling.

At that the queen turned around and left.

"I'll go tell Harry about tomorrow!" Louis said, standing up and trying not to run.

"Run mate run." Zayn says, flipping through the newspaper.

And Louis didn't need to be told twice.

"Ares get back here! That isn't for you!" Harry shouted as Ares ran around with the cookies he baked for Louis.

"Too bad its all in my stomach now." He said turning around holding an empty plate.

Harry groaned, he burnt his hands making that batch. It had dry fruits and everything, it was special, it costed him his three months salary.

"Ares I made those for Louis, it was hard to bake I don't have anything to give him! You little brat! I hate you! No cookies for six months straight!" Harry said, pointing a finger at him.

Ares's smile left his face.

"Harry I'm sorry! I didn't know!" He pleaded clutching Harry's legs.

"Louis will feel bad I didn't bake him anything..." Harry mumbled.

"I'm sorry Harry!"

"It's alright, c'mon let's clean your face." Harry said picking him up and setting him on the table, cleaning his face.

"Does Louis love you Hazzie?" Ares asked, looking at Harry's face.

Harry blushed at that.

"That's what he says Ares." Harry says, cleaning the crumbs on his face.

"Well if he is mean to you tell me I'll punch him." Ares said, punching in the air.

Harry chuckled, "Oh I will."

"Announcement from the palace!" Louis shouted, coming in.

Harry looked at him and frowned.

"What announcement?" Harry asked.

"You know Harry baked me cookies! I ate them all!" Ares said, his hands on Louis's shoulder, as Louis came and stood next to Harry.

"Bet they were good." Louis said, his smile dropping for a minute then taking its place back.

"That they were." Ares said nodding.

"Anyways, the queen has invited you to dinner tomorrow." Louis said, looking at Harry, smiling.

Harry double took what Louis said.

"She what? Why?" Harry asked.

"She just wanted to meet you." Louis says, shrugging.

"Do I have to take something? Should I bake something? Or cook?" Harry asked frantically.

Louis laughed and held him by his shoulders, looking into his eyes, "Just be there." He said and Harry nodded.

"Harry why is your finger pink?" Ares asked, taking a hold on the finger, making Harry cringe.

"Don't touch that!" Harry said swatting his hands away.

"What happened to your finger?"Louis asked worried.

"It got burnt, that too for nothing." Harry said glaring at Ares stomach where the cookies for Louis were.

"It doesn't hurt much right?" Louis asked, holding it gently and the examining it.

"Nope." Harry said.

Louis gently kissed it, making Harry blush.

"Now it'll get better in no time." Louis said, grinning at Harry.

Harry smiled back.

"Is Lucas here?" Louis asked.

"No, any important work?" Harry asked, setting Ares down and watching him as he ran outside.

"Wanted to sharpen my sword, guess I'll do it tomorrow." Louis said, shrugging.

"Well I ain't here for nothing." Harry said frowning.

"But your finger is hurt." Louis said like it was the most obvious thing.

"Well I do have to still sharpen other swords, why not yours?" Harry said, raising his eyebrows.

"Alright." Louis said, giving Harry his sword.

Harry looked at it and smiled, it was the same, the small 'H.S' still engraved.

"What?" Louis said.

"Nothing, this was the first sword I carved." Harry said, setting it on the sharpening wheel.

"Really?" Louis asked, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, look it even has a small 'H.S' on it, for Harry Styles." Harry said pointing to the 'H.S'

"No wonder it got me where I am today."
From the moment I met you everything changed I know I had to get you whatever the pain I had to take U and make you mine. THATS RIGHT THAT SONG CAME ON MY SHUFFLE WHEN I WAS IN THE LAST PART. SHOOT ME

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