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"Louis Tomlinson, the most vicious man in this kingdom, the one who can slay a lion with his bare hands! The deadliest, most wanted man in this whole kingdom sits here and sips on cheap wine and plays chess alone on his twenty-fifth birthday! How wonderful!" Zayn, the prince, said to his best mate.

Louis shakes his head.

"I'm not alone, I've got you. Plus what's better than to play chess without a competitor? Without the fear of losing." Louis says in his defense.

Zayn snorts, sitting besides him.

"I'm going to be king in like three months, then what? Who'll come to your pity party, you sucker."

"I'll find a replacement." Louis says, waving him off and moving the soldier on his board.

Zayn sighs, "When you're sixty? Yeah sure."

Louis ignores him and sips on his wine.

"I'm going to find you a partner and we'll have our weddings together in exactly three months from now." Zayn says, tilting the table on which the chess board was, ruining Louis's game.

"Speak for yourself. Everybody in this fucking kingdom is an ungrateful brat. I hope the Gods help you find someone who I can possibly like." Louis says, annoyed.

"There has to be someone. If not this kingdom then another. But you are getting yourself married next to me."


"Harry! Sharpen, load, beat! Get on with work." Lucas announced, making Harry keep his novel aside and sigh.

Harry took the sword to be sharpened from the man and started working on it.

"Harry when are you baking next?" Ares, Lucas's four year old son chimed.

"When you learn how to stop being a brat." Harry said looking at him.

"Dad! Harry called me a brat!" He shouted.

"Well you are one, now shut up." Lucas replied.

Harry smirked as Ares frowned.

"Well you have to bake soon, everything you baked last time got over." Ares aid pulling on Harry's shirt.

"I will." Harry said, concentrating on the work ahead of him.

"Yes!" Ares said, his hands in the air, and then ran away.

Harry came out to Lucas, and probably the whole kingdom when he was nineteen. That's how people don't judge him for baking.

People didn't think Harry's coming out was a big deal because soon after Louis Tomlinson, the all goody good who can't do anything bad and has the knowledge of saints, said that he didn't have a problem dating a man or a woman.

Harry despised him.

Yes, he did buy Harry's first sword but people gave him too much credit, everywhere you turn he's everyone's talk.

When will the people learn there are better things to talk about other than just him? Bet he's a spoiled brat living in the confinement of the palace.

"Harry Prince Zayn's holding a ball tomorrow evening!" Lucas came in, his helmet falling of his head.

"What am I supposed to do?" Harry said, now beating on the metal.

"It says every eligible, lady, gentleman, has to attend it." Lucas says, raising his eyebrows.

"Well I make myself not eligible for this, can't you like give me a day of without having to go to this atrocious ball."


"You can't even think about it it?"

"No. Go to the ball or sit here and carve six swords." Lucas says crossing his arms.

"Carving six swords it is." Harry said going back to his beating.

"I heard about some ball!" Ares piped in.

Harry groaned.

"Harry you are coming with me." Ares said, hugging Harry's legs.

"No go with your dad." Harry said, annoyed.

"Harry I've picked out the suit for you, Ares and Lucas-" Jenny, Lucas's wife walked in.

"What's with everyone wanting to go this damn ball?!" Harry said, really annoyed.

Everyone looked at him.

Lucas's expression said 'you better go or this'll be cruel.' Jenny's said 'I picked out the suits you have to go.' And Ares had this pleading look, with his eyes all big.

"Alright Alright give those to me, I'll iron them." Harry said, walking towards Jenny, taking the suits.


'I'm going to regret every moment of this.' Harry thought.

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