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Chapter dedication- @obeyzaynie

The chapters title. HEHEHAHHAHAH.


"Boo." Louis whispered softly in Harry's ears.

Harry jerked away, his magnifying glass falling down.

Ares burst out laughing along with Louis and Harry blushed a scarlet red.

Harry shook his head and bent down to pick up his glass but Louis beat him to it.

"I'm sorry love." Louis said, handing Harry the glass.

"It's okay even if you don't mean it." Harry said, sitting on his stool again.

"What are you even doing?" Louis asked, peeping over his shoulders.

"He's being boring and putting beans on the sword's hilt." Ares said, hugging Louis's legs, trying to peep.

Louis picked him up, set him on his hips and let him peep.

"It's called beads not beans first of all you brat, secondly it's sequins so stop talking." Harry said, his tongue out as he placed one on the hilt.

"Stop being mean you fatto." Ares said, frowning.

"Says the boy who eats a whole cake within an hour."

"Okay stop it you guys, Ares let him work we'll go do something else." Louis piped in.

"Could you show me some of your sword moves?!" Ares said, his small hands on Louis's cheeks.

"Why not?" Louis said ruffling his hair and taking him out.

Harry sighed in relief and continued his work.

"Harry?!" Lucas shouted.

Harry groaned.

"What is it?!"

"I want you to get some fruits and some metals, we're running out of both."

"Okay." Harry said, getting up.

He took the money from Lucas and made his way out.

On his way towards the market, he saw Louis and Ares playing and he couldn't help but smile.

He might call Ares a brat, but he loved him so much. He was the only one Harry baked for. Ares was just that special, Harry hadn't found anyone worth baking for other than Ares, he was sure he wasn't going to find anyone anytime soon.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked, walking next to him now.

"Where's Ares?" Harry asked looking back.

"He went to play with some of his mates."

"Alright." Harry said looking ahead.

"You didn't answer me though, where are you going?" Louis asked again.

"To the market." Harry said.


"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"With you." Louis said without thinking.

"You don't have to."

"Oh but I want to." Louis said, smiling.

Harry didn't get why Louis wanted to go to the market with him. It was crowded and smelly and someone so close to the royalty shouldn't be going there. But Harry didn't tell him anything.

Harry bought the fruits with Louis besides him. Everyone stared at them. Everyone.

Harry didn't care because he knew they were over exaggerating.

Harry stopped in front of the shop selling baking items, going through the ingredients and picking out the best products.

"Why are you buying baking powder?" Louis asked.

"Ares wanted cakes, was thinking of baking him some." Harry said, paying the money.

"So you'll bake for me too?" Louis asked, getting excited.

"Why would I do that?" Harry asked, frowning.

Louis face fell.

"Uh I was just joking." Louis tried to cover up.

"Oh alright." Harry said.

Louis didn't feel sad because he wasn't getting any cake, he was feeling sad about the fact that Harry won't even bake a cake for him.

"Want me to carry that bag?" Louis offered, looking at Harry struggle.

"It's alright."

"It's not, give that bag to me." Louis said, taking the bad of fruits into his hands.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"Your welcome curly." Louis said, with a smile.

They made their way back to Harry's shop in silence.

Lucas watched as Harry and Louis entered the shop, their shoulders brushing together and each carrying a bag of groceries.

Lucas watched as Louis looked at Harry like he was the sun, he saw Louis's expression change when Harry went to work without giving him a glance.

"Louis!" Lucas said, entering the main part of the shop.

"Lucas! Great meeting you sir." Louis said, extending his hands for Lucas to shake.

"It's great meeting you." Lucas said shaking his hand and smiling.

"Could I have a word with you?" Lucas whispered to him.

"Why not?" Louis said.

Lucas led him behind the shop and looked at him.

"What?" Louis asked, smiling.

"I'm sorry Louis." Lucas said, sighing.

"Sorry for?" Louis asked confused.

"For Harry not being able to reciprocate your feelings."

"It's okay, I didn't expect for him to fall in love with me on sight." Louis said, shrugging.

"Even if he did fall in love, he'd never know, Louis. He doesn't know what love is, he's never found anyone that loves him nor has he ever loved someone and he's grown up in that atmosphere where people pointed out the flaws in his work and him. He thinks no one can appreciate him, can love him, so when you do he isn't going to believe you at first. But for how long can he not? If you're in this for real, which I hope you are, please be patient with him. He isn't a bad kid."

"I'll be so patient that even patience will get tired of me. Don't worry Lucas, I'm in this for real. I'm not leaving anytime soon." Louis said smiling at him.

"Thank you Louis." Lucas said, now smiling.

"There's nothing to thank me for. It's just what my heart wants and my heart rarely wants anything so I'm just giving it what it wants."

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