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"I heard he got shot on his forearm."

"And his calves."

That was it, Harry couldn't take it anymore.

He banged the swords on the table forcefully, getting the men's attention.

"That'll be two gold coins." Harry said, glaring at the men.

"It was one, last time?" The man asked, raising his eyebrows.

"That was last time." Harry said, his arms crossed across his chest.

Harry collected the money and kept it in the drawer.

He went over to the cakes and cookies he'd made, unsure. What if Louis didn't like them? He thought.

He shook his head, well it was too late.

He picked up the two clothes in which he'd tied the cakes and cookies.

"You can do this Harry." He said to himself and made his way to the palace.

Harry wanted to see Louis, he was desperate. Louis was hurt and it made Harry cringe.

He stopped in front of the palace and looked up.

He was about to enter the palace when two guards stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of them asked.

"To meet Louis?" Harry said it as more of a question.

The man snickered, "who are you?"

"I'm Harry." Harry said with a frown.

"Do you think we care?"

"Please just let me go in, I need to see Louis. Call Zayn if you'd like." Harry pleaded.

"It's Prince Zayn you peasant." One of them said, hitting Harry across the cheek.

Harry didn't flinch, he was used to it.

"You'll don't get it, he knows me! Let me see him!" Harry pleaded again.

"Right everyone says that."

"Well atleast give this to him?" Harry said, giving the goods he had baked for Louis to them.

"What is this? This could be poisoned, for all we know. You don't expect us to actually give it to him do you?" The guard said, dropping what Harry had baked to the ground, smashing it with his feet.

Harry held back a sob.

So much for caring.


Harry walked under the rain, feeling like the same sixteen year old who waited outside Lucas's shop.

He just wanted to meet Louis, was that too much to ask for?

Yes, apparently.

He had taken everything for credit. Louis meeting him everyday, having dinner with the queen, everything.

Harry sat on the footpath, which was quiet familiar to him. It was the same one he'd used to sit on, when he had no where to go. Hoping that someone would just give him food.

Harry cried again, he was sick of himself. He ruined everything.

"What's up curly?" Harry heard a familiar voice speak.

Harry looked up to see Beth.

An old man Harry had helped not too long ago.

Beth used to sit on this footpath too, once Harry got his job he made sure Beth had one too.

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