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Louis found Harry alright, he found him with ease, but when he found him he didn't quiet like the sight.

"I told you it was supposed to be a curve!" One of Harry's customers shouted.

"But sir you're-"

"I did not ask for you to use your brains, I asked you to use your hand you idiot!"

Harry cringed and became small, not liking the way he got insulted.

"I'm sorry sir I'll-"

"I don't need you to do anything now, I'll tell the whole village about your sorcery! I'll see how people get swords-"

"What is the problem here?" Louis spoke, now in front of the counter separating him and Harry.

"Louis-s I was just...this boy carved me the wrong sword." The man stuttered.

Louis watched as Harry cringed again.

"Are you a bladesmith sir?" Louis asks, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"No sir."

"Well he is, he knows which sword to carve for whom. So it'll be better if you not insulted a professional. I won't tolerate this nuisance." Louis said giving a fake smile at the end.

"Yes sir." The man says before bowing and leaving.

"You didn't have to do that." Harry said, going back inside the shop and working on his sword.

Louis climbed on top of the counter and made his way inside.

"Ofcourse I had to do that, that man was crazy."

"I made a mistake, I work for the people, I have to obey what they say, not go on doing what I think is right." Harry said, putting his blade on the sharpening wheel.

"Well you did what you thought was right for him."

"People don't want that, people want different things that's why they give orders."


"What are you even doing here?" Harry asked keeping his blade aside, looking at Louis, his hands on the table.

"Well you did want me to find you so Hola!" Louis says smiling.

Harry shook his head.

"I thought it was a one night thing."

"Why would you think that?" Louis asked confused.

"Because you're an asshole, you tend to do stuff for one time." Harry says, making his way to chose metals.

Louis walked towards him and when Harry turned around he was close to Louis, really close. He could feel Louis's breath on his face.

"I don't care if you think I'm an asshole, I'm in love with you and you aren't getting rid of me anytime soon."

"Isn't love too big of a word Mr.Tomlinson." Harry says, coming closer.

"It's such a small word, too small to describe what I'm feeling for you."

"Watch what you say, don't want yourself to regret it later." Harry said a smirk set upon his lips.

"Oh I do know what I'm saying, love, one day you'll understand. One day you'll look at a person and they'll become the soul reason you're living. Maybe it'll be me, maybe it'll be someone else. But for me it's you and let me tell you, I don't give up without a fight."

"You'll get tired fighting." Harry said, now his lips close to Louis's.

"Will fight till my last breath Harry, just for you." Louis says before moving back, smiling in Harry's direction and jumping over the counter, leaving.

Harry didn't know what Louis wanted to fight for. But Harry could try to find out.

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