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*4 month timeskip* erens pov: armin and i have been dating for four months now, neither of us have ever been happier. armin's moved in with me, we bought him a new car, although he insisted not to. i still did as a surprise for our 2 month anniversary. how did i get so lucky? i thank the universe everyday for the way things turned out between us, i couldn't ask for more. i wake up to armin staring at me with a small smile, "good morning" he says. "were you staring at me?" i giggle. "uh..yeah..sorry" armin replies. "breakfast?" i suggest. "sure!"

armins pov: it's been four months since eren & i have started dating, and i'm so happy. i've never felt happy in my life, but now, it's different. this-he feels different from everything else in my life. i love eren, i love him so much, i hope i never lose him. we get out of bed and wash up together, soon running to the kitchen to make breakfast. our days normally went a little something like this: we wake up, eat breakfast, eren goes to work, comes back and we have the evening to ourselves. the weekends pretty much go the same, except i go to work in the evenings and eren stays, it's a pretty good schedule. as we eat breakfast, i stop for a second to admire eren. he gives me a confused look as he says "what? is there something on my face?" i reply with "no, you're just pretty" he blushes, and turns away saying, "that's weird, armin!" i disagree though, as i reply "what's weird? me thinking my boyfriend is cute?" "no, you said pretty!! i'm a guy i'm not supposed to be pretty" eren says. "whatever you say" i reply, ending the conversation.

erens pov: why does he say things like that? it always makes me so flustered, it's barely even 8am. after we eat, i get dressed, then kiss armin and leave for work. i always wonder what armin does when i'm gone...knowing him he probably just lays around and watches tv. still, it's interesting to think about. driving to where i work, armin fills my thoughts , per usual. honestly, i'm never not thinking about him. i pull up into the driveway and sigh, getting out of my car preparing myself for the day.

armins pov: i'm always bored when erens gone, not even gonna lie. there's not much to do here when you're alone. sometimes i'll go out for a drink or lunch, but mostly i just stay home and chill, weather that be scrolling on my phone or watching tv. *many, many hours later* as i'm sitting on the couch reading a book with the tv playing the background, i hear the door lock clank, knowing eren is home. my eyes shoot up from my current position as i turn my head towards the door to see eren standing there with a light smile on his face, but i can tell he's not the happiest right now. i run up to greet him with a hug and a kiss, but his fake smile still remains. "bad day?" i ask, "you have no idea" eren responds. "anything i can do to help? wanna go for lunch maybe? coffee?" eren just nods in response. i stand there, puzzled, staring at the floor. eventually eren says "well, maybe there is something you could do" i swear he turned into the smirking emoji. oh boy.. i know what's coming next. he puts his hands on my waist and leans in for a long, passionate kiss.

erens pov: *after that* we're both laying on the couch, a panting mess, just staring into each other's eyes. "i could get lost into your eyes" i purr into armin's ear. "hm i'm sure you could, lover boy" armin teases. in a swift motion, he pushes me off of him and moves over top of me. "a little feisty now, are we?" i chuckled. "we sure are" armin responded, dominance passing through his voice with each word. it's rare that armin tops, but when he does...🤰🏽that's all i gotta say.
after our second round, it's almost dinner time. "well.. that was fun!" armin squeals. i roll my eyes and shuffle off the couch, putting clothes back on, as armin does the same. "what do you want for dinner?" armin asks. i shrug my shoulders in response. "pasta?" armin suggests. "sure" i reply. and with that armin hops to the kitchen to get started. after we eat dinner, it's pretty late by now. "hey eren" armin started, as i turned to him he finished "let's drive to the beach and look at the sunset." with a big smile. armin has always been so fond of the ocean, although i never really knew why. ive asked him but he'll always respond with, "i don't know" or "because it's pretty" but i know those aren't genuine answers. "alright, go grab a towel and some drinks, then we'll go." i say as armin nods in response, jumping up and down like a child. he gets the stuff and we get in the car and start driving.

armins pov: the car ride was silent but nice. besides we're only about 15 minutes from the beach. when we arrive, i jump out of the car with a towel and run to find a nice spot to sit. "over here!" i signal to eren, waving my hand so he can find me. he walks over to me, i set down the towel on the sand and we sit. i sigh and snuggle up next to eren, as he wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. awhile later the sun finally starts to set, filling the sky with vibrant warm colors. reds, pinks, some blue, or orange, yellow, purple, it seemed like every color of the rainbow. the sounds of the waves gently crashing against the surface, the smell, erens touch against my skin, it all felt so ethereal. this was a similar sight to the one i saw when i realized i had been in love with eren. one of the best and worst moments of my life. we were sitting on the beach watching the sunset as well. his hair gently blowing in the wind, his side profile lightly being tinted red from the sky, all so perfect. that moment i felt so many different emotions, the emotions of realizing you're in love with your best friend. it's impossible to explain. i wouldn't take that moment, even if it meant my life honestly. "eren," i whisper. "i love you." eren looks down and smiles at me, "i love you more, armin." "impossible" i chuckle. we go back to sitting in silence, nothing but the wind and sounds of the waves. i wonder, what was it about eren that i fell in love with? i think back, the most prominent memories being that of anytime he was touching me. eren was gentle, his finger tips felt like feathers. compared to everyone else who has touched me, erens was the softest. he never made me feel like he would hurt me, i always felt safe in his arms, his touch. that it? was it that? yeah.. it definitely was. what made me fall so deeply in love, was erens touch. his touch.

(ARTHUR'S NOTE): hi guys, so this is the last chapter of my story "touch." i hope you all enjoyed, although this is my first fanfic so it probably wasn't the best. thank you to everyone that supported me and this story, i will definitely be writing more in the future! farewell, for now.

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