Chapter 16

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I've been playing video games for 5 hours (with no intentions of stopping), ignoring the Vhopekook smut I should be writing for this book...


Which is superior, Top Taehyung or Top Jungkook?


Before I knew it, the days had gone by and Jimin and the pups had left. Jimin had talked to me minimally, but seemed to be watching me like a hawk at the same time anytime I went near Jiyoon. But all I ever did was cuddle with her.

Today, it was time for me to head back to the studio. Thankfully, I had a few days off whenever Jimin had come over, and so did he. So neither of us had to worry about the pups being left alone.

Whenever I got to the studio, I was unsurprised to see Jimin ignoring me whenever I walked by. I had hoped that after us staying together so much that he would at least offer a greeting, but whenever I said 'good morning', he just walked away after giving me the once over.

I sighed, not really wanting to go after him. Instead, I headed to the studio.

"About time you got here." My trainer said teasingly.

I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm not late, noona."

"You are, actually. I told you that you needed to be here a little bit early after your break, remember? Because we have a meeting that I wanted to prep you for. Don't you remember about that contract I told you about? You've been helping me with my work with flying colors, so the head producer wanted you to work with one of our upcoming artists to write and produce a song for him."

"Oh, right." I mumbled as I sat down in my seat next to her.

"What is with that bland response? This is a great opportunity! You don't have any experience yet, and you're getting an offer like this! If you do well with this kid, then you might become a full time producer without any college experience or further training! Do you understand that?"

I hummed as I spun in a circle slowly in my seat. "So if I write and produce a song for this kid well, then I could possibly get a full time job as a producer here? Who even is this kid?"

"Ah, not sure. He's been a trainee for awhile and has backup danced for a few of our artists, along with a few solo stages as a sort of in between our main artist events, but...other than that, I don't know anything about him. We're recruiting you to make his debut song. Obviously, we're going to judge whether or not it will actually be his debut song and if we aren't satisfied with it then we'll delay his debut and have someone else write it, but...we're giving you a chance to write it. So, we're going to go down to the meeting room to see him and his manager in a bit. You and the kid are going to be working together for awhile until you have finished writing the song for him."

"Okay." I said with a huff. She rolled her eyes at me, before she stood up and led me to the meeting room. I nonchalantly followed her with my hands in my sweater pockets, until we got to the room. I opened the door for her and let her go inside first, before I followed her into the meeting room. My eyes lit up whenever I saw who was sitting in the room.


Jimin and his manager both looked up with polite smiles whenever they heard the door open. His manager greeted my trainer with a polite handshake and hello, while Jimin frowned a little at me before he shook my hand like he didn't know me.

"Yoongi, this is Jimin. He's the rookie that you'll be working with." My trainer said.

"Happy to be working with you." I said with a little smirk.

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