Chapter 40

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I live next to a railroad (about a quarter mile away from one) and the damn conductors always lay on their horn in the middle of the night. Now I've lived here my entire life so I just sleep through it when I'm sleeping, but whenever I'm awake at night, the damn trains always seem to pass through right when I'm laying down to either write or sleep and it's annoying as fuck.

Sorry, I just had to complain about the train that went through blaring it's horn. It went for like 4 seconds straight one of those times.



Soon enough, another week had passed. Jimin, Jiyoon and I had moved in together slowly but surely over the course of the week. I hired a moving crew (since Jimin was pregnant, Jiyoon was a baby, and I can't lift things alone while the others are busy), and we got moved in in a matter of two days. Jimin focused on finding some cheap starter furniture locally to buy to fill the house a bit, while we let Jiyoon try to help pick color schemes so she could have something to do...which surprisingly, actually didn't look that bad.

Though there were differently some needed changes. But we won't be telling her that.

Now, there was about one more month before Jimin would give birth. We made an appointment at an obscure little hospital for omegas that Jimin said is where he was taken care of whenever he had Jiyoon. We were going to get an approximate due date, and see if we could get to know the gender.

"Are you ready to go see Kai oppa and Soojin unnie?" Jimin asked Jiyoon with a little smile as he buckled her into her carseat in my car while I carried her bag.

Jiyoon was still a bit groggy from her nap, so she just kind of...existed while Jimin baby talked to her. I smiled at the two, meeting Jimin's gaze as he stood up and noticed me watching. He smiled back, before he closed her car door and got into the passenger's seat. I closed the other door, before I got in and started the drive to Jimin's old apartment, where Kai, Soojin and Kyungsoo all lived now.

"Hyung!" Kyungsoo cried out the moment that he saw me. I quickly held up my arms to catch the omega whenever he launched himself in my direction. Jimin glared at us as he passed with Jiyoon in his arms, and handed her over to Kai who looked just as fed up.

"Oppa!" Soojin giggled, following Kyungsoo's example. But she couldn't jump as high as Kyungsoo could, so she grabbed my leg and giggled.

"Hey..." I mumbled in a strained voice as I struggled to hold Kyungsoo and Jiyoon's giant bag at the same time. Kyungsoo giggled and carefully slid down from my arms, before he grabbed Soojin and kissed her cheek.

"Mama! Will you play with Jiyoonie and me?!" Soojin asked as soon as she was in his arms.

"Yes, baby." Kyungsoo smiled at her, winking at me whenever I stared in shock at the pup, before he walked away with Soojin.

She...really is calling him mama.

I felt my heart warm.

How does Kai feel about that though?

I was met with both Kai and Jimin's jealous glares the moment I looked at them. They were both judging me with mirrored glares and positions, crossed arms and frowns that made me wonder if they came out of the same damn womb and inherited it.


"Keep your damn hands off my mate." Kai spat, cutting me off before I could say anything.

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