Chapter 9

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~Jimin's POV~

It had been about a week since Yoongi and I had started texting again. He was being flirty, but surprisingly if I asked him to back off, he would. I had also noticed him from time to time in the college and at the company building. Our majors shared the same building so I would see him in the halls, and I shared a class with him. Imagine that. He had been surprisingly acceptive of me asking him to stay away though. He knows we share the class together, but he sits on the other side of the room to respect my wishes.

Though, at the workplace is a different matter. During lunch breaks, I had noticed that he comes all the way to the opposite side of the building just to get a drink. While he waited for the drink to come out, he would glance over at me. Then he would leave. And at the end of the day, he would usually sit out in his new but shitty car and wait for me to leave. Admittedly, it was kind of stalkerish behavior, but I knew he didn't have any bad intentions. Honestly, seeing him around so much didn't bother me as much as I made it seem it did.

And besides, I had bigger things to think about than Yoongi.


My first stage appearance in three days.

I was extremely nervous. I had never danced on a stage in front of a ton of people before. At least, not on my own. On top of that, I had to sing a song the producers had written. I was terrified that I would mess up in front of a lot of people. I hadn't really meddled much in singing, so I wasn't really prepared for this at all.

I sighed as I stood outside the company building waiting for Kai to get here. I could feel eyes on me, though I just assumed that it was Yoongi. I glanced around, looking for him and found him. As expected. Except he wasn't looking at me. He had his nose in his phone and was sitting in his car. I watched him quietly, as he smiled down at his phone before he began to pull out of the parking lot. I frowned, wondering why he didn't stay until I left like usual.

And who was it that was making him smile so much?

Did he have a new boyfriend now or something?

I didn't get to dwell on that for long though, before Kai's car pulled up. I sighed and walked over to his car, smiling whenever I saw the pups in the backseat.

"Have they been good today?" I asked as I got in the car. He just sighed exasperatedly.

"Soojin threw a big fit this morning, and Jiyoon wasn't much better. She missed her mama." He said. He looked exhausted from taking care of the two on his own. I felt kind of bad that he was always stuck taking care of them while I was at work. We had a babysitter while we were at college, but I worked right after. Kai had gotten a job working nights, so this was usually the time that he would need to go to bed.

"Thank you for taking care of Jiyoon." I said with a smile. "You're a big help."

"Thank you for playing the mother of Soojin. I would have been lost without you." He said, smiling at me warmly before he began to drive us back to our apartment. On the way there, I received a text from Yoongi. I frowned as I stared at the notification. I don't know why, but I felt annoyed that he was texting me now.

Yoongi: Hey princess.

Yoongi: 😚🥰

Yoongi: Did you have a good day?

Jimin: No.

Jimin: Leave me alone.

Yoongi: 🥺

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