Chapter 21

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Why are there more reads on the smut chapters than the other chapters? 🤡


Why is it that people that say, 'English isn't my first language, please excuse any mistakes'...always not only write in perfect English...but also write better stories than native speakers?

I'm a native speaker, and some of these people claiming to have 'bad English' have better fucking English and description skills in English than I do.

I don't know how I feel about that, as a native speaker. English is my only language, but even as my only language, foreigners speak it better sometimes. It isn't fair 😂

I have a lot of foreign readers, too. 50%, I think. 46 or so % are Americans. I hope none of you think you're bad at English. That seems to be a bad habit of foreigners. No confidence, even when they're perfect at it.


"I fucking hate you!" Jimin screamed for the umpteenth time. "How the fuck could you mark me like this? Without my fucking permission?" He wailed, throwing everything he could at me. I hissed as a pen, a book and a folder all crashed into my arms that protected my head. Jimin had me backed into a corner and had lost his shit on me the second his heat ended and he realized that I'd marked him.

"I'm sorry, Jimin." I mumbled, though I knew he wouldn't calm down with a simple apology.

"Sorry isn't going to get this fucking mark off my neck!" He emptied my deck, throwing everything he could at me.

"Jimin--" I tried to speak, looking up at him as soon as he threw another book. I gasped in pain whenever he hit me square in the face, the hardcover of it hitting so hard that I felt my nose beginning to bleed. "The mark will go away by the next month..."

"I don't fucking care! You shouldn't have marked me regardless!"

I hissed, before I stood up from the corner I had curled up in and growled at him. "Well screaming and throwing a tantrum isn't going to do anything about it. I fucked up, but it isn't the end of the world. Whenever your next heat comes, I just won't care for you and the mark will go away. Okay? Problem fucking solved." I spat.

"Hyung, I need you to care for me. We already discussed this. I can't be out of commission for my heat for days. I have to have an alpha to care for me. I entrusted that to you, but you fucked it up on the first time!"

"You don't need anything from me! If you're so desperate for someone you trust to care for you, then why don't you ask Kai to do it for you? You seem to trust him a lot more than you trust me! You certainly trust him with our pup, now don't you, considering you left her alone with him who knows how many times?!"

"What the hell does Jiyoon have to do with this? Leave her out of it!" He snapped, making me growl at him.

"That's all you have to say about that?" I spat bitterly. "You aren't gonna say something like, 'Kai hyung is my friend, I could never fuck him'!"

"He is my friend and I will not be fucking him!" Jimin hissed.

"You certainly didn't have any problem with fucking your high school friends. So why would your college ones be any different?"

"I don't know, maybe because I'm a mother that wants to focus more on making sure my pup has a stable environment to grow up in?"

"Yeah? Then why were you trying so hard to get rid of her yesterday? As soon as your heat hit, you really couldn't have cared less about our pup!"

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