Chapter 28

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I meant to sit down and work on this story all day today, and I ended up playing games and watching markiplier instead. So's 9 pm, I'm laying down with my off brand goldfish, and I'm gonna probably go do something else and neglect it some more. 'Kay?


(That was exactly what I did. I completely forgot about this...)

On another note, my unnie told me that I should post a picture of my new BTS bottles I bought. The person I bought them from gave me 2 freebie stickers and a cute little note, too. It was so nice~~~


Just curious, but is it conceited of me to enjoy reading over my own stories every once in a while? I mean, I write these stories as much to just exhaust my imagination as I do to give enjoyment to others, and that means that the tropes in my stories are tropes I absolutely love...

So is that conceited of me?


~Yoongi's POV~

Whenever I got home from the studio that day, I frowned and growled whenever Taehyung nearly jumped me at the door.

"Oh. It's you." He said with a frown, making me glare at him.

"What, were you expecting someone else, asshole?"

Taehyung glared at me, before he went back to his spot on the couch. Rolling my eyes at the seemingly moody fucker, I went to my room. I was vaguely aware and possibly ignoring the few texts I had from Jimin about work as I went to go and take a shower. It had been about two weeks since we'd talked outside of the studio and I basically told him we were through. Though, whenever you work with your 'ex', it's kind of hard to avoid them.

I sighed, glancing over Jimin's texts and opting to leave him on read as I went to go and take my shower.

He can wait. And it isn't like he was watching his messages for this passed hour to see if I'll read his messages.

I was wrong, because that was exactly what he'd been doing for the passed hour. Whenever I got out of the shower, I frowned whenever I saw a ton of spam from Jimin.

Yoongi: What do you want, Jimin?

Jimin: Why did you leave me on read?!

Jimin: And what the hell took you so long to respond when you literally had just read my texts?!

Yoongi: I was showering?

Yoongi: You've already sent me the file to produce the song and finish it for you.

Yoongi: So stop being impatient and I'll get it back to you when I'm done with it.

Jimin: Why are you being so cold...?

Jimin: That's not what I'm here for...

Yoongi: You were messaging me about work before, weren't you?

Jimin: Well yes, but that isn't what I'm talking to you for anymore.

Jimin: I just...

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