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Peter's Pov

I woke up feeling a lot better than I was yesterday.

I sat up and took my glasses of my bedside table.

"What the-"

I kept switching between my glasses and no glasses.


I took my shirt of to shower but as I watch in the mirror... "When did I get abs?"

What the fuck happened?

I went inside my bathroom and took a short shower and brushed my teeth.

I groaned as my toothpaste went all over the place.

I changed and went downstairs.

"Morning Pete! Feeling a lot better?" May asked

"Yeah! I'm feeling a lot better!" I replied

"Why aren't you wearing your glasses?" May asked again.

" I don't need it anymore! Anyways I gotta go to Del's" I said as I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.

Adelaide's Pov

I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday.

I went to my bathroom to take a shower.

As I removed my clothes, I feel something different about my body.

"What the-"

I looked into my bathroom mirror and noticed I got fitter.

"When did this happen?"

I ignored the sudden change of my body and continued to shower.

I brushed my teeth and squirting the toothpaste unto the mirror. I brushed my hair almost ripping it out. I added moisturizer gently on my face. And then sprayed perfume on my neck and headed downstairs.

"Morning mom! Morning Dad!" I greeted.

"You're in a good mood today! Feeling better?" My mom asked.

"I feel different!" I answered honestly.

"Did you worked out at the field trip? Because you look fitter than before" My dad noticed.

"I just woke up and my body just did it's thing, I guess"

We heard a knock on the door and I went and grabbed it.

"Hey Del!" Peter greeted

"Hey Pete!" I greeted back and let him in.

When did he get muscles? And why is he not wearing his glasses?

"You want anything Peter?" My mom asked

"No it's fine. I'm actually craving for Delmar's sandwich" He spoke and I noticed something different about him.

I grabbed a breakfast bar and a banana as I headed out the door with Peter.

"Do you feel anything different after what happened yesterday?" Peter asked out of nowhere.

"I actually do, I feel a lot better and active. Do you?" I asked.

"I do too! It's weird. After I woke up, my eyesight was a lot better than before and then suddenly I got abs and got stronger" he explained as we got into Delmar's.

"One veggie sandwich please" Peter ordered.

"Same! As I woke up, I felt different about my body and then all of a sudden I got skinnier and stronger- Is it because of the Spider room we got in yesterday?!" I asked and our eyes widen.

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