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Peter's Pov

I walked down the hall with Ned as the homecoming committee removed all of the homecoming banners and decorations

"It looked so insane! The whole- like it was just so crazy!" Ned said as he recalled the night of the homecoming, "he was just like jjjvvvvvvvsh -and you went like, Aaaahhh, and then I just hit him with the woosh! It was so... Oh my god"

"I mean you saved me" I said

We then saw Liz with her mom

"You should talk to her" Ned said

"I want to and say sorry to what happened but I also don't want to" I answered honestly

"Why? Dude she's your crush and your date to homecoming, why wouldn't you want to talk to her-" I cut off Ned

"Because Adelaide and I kissed that night" I quickly answered

"Dude..." Ned said and gave me a shocked look

"I know Ned! I know! I think she hates me" I said

Before Bed could talk we heard someone walking up to us

"Hey guys!" Adelaide greeted us

"Hey Del!" I quietly greeted

"Peter" she said my name with a smile before walking off to the library to have a Decathlon meeting

Adelaide and I sat next to each other as MJ and Ned sat infront of us

"Congratulations, Decathlon national champions!" Mr. Harrington congratulated us, " I'm gonna have to out this back in the trophy case soon but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game but we will need a new team captain next year. So I am appointing Michelle!"

Everyone looked at her and clapped for her

"Uh thank you! My- my friends call me MJ" MJ said

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and noticed Peter's too

I checked you texted me and noticed that it was Happy

Happy Hogan
Go to the men's bathroom

What? Why would Happy want me to go to the boy's bathroom?

"I- uh gotta go" Peter said

"Hey, where are you going? What are you hiding Peter?" MJ asked

"I have to go to the bathroom" I said as I got up

"I also have to go to the bathroom" Peter said as he grabbed his bag and followed behind me

"Did Happy texted you?" I asked

"He did, he wants me to go to the bathroom" He answered

"He wants me to go to the boy's bathroom" I said as we arrived

"Are you sure I'm allowed to go inside?" I asked

"I mean, no one's here because they're at afternoon homeroom" Peter gave a point and I just followed him inside

We saw Happy in his suit as always but with a smile on his face

"Hey Happy" we both greeted

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked

"I really owe you two! I don't know what to do without this job and before I met Tony-" before he could finish his sentence, a toilet flushed, meaning someone is in here

The stall door opened and revealed a student looking at us weirdly and confused

He washed his hands before looking at me

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