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Adelaide's Pov

I decided to walk with Peter to cheer him up but it won't work.

"Look Del, I really appreciate you cheering me up but I just want to live my life before we got bitten by those spiders" Peter said

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you put a smile on your face... since what happened yesterday" I quietly said the last one but I know Peter heard it

"I'm fine and that's the only thing that matters" Peter said before walking off down the hall

I sighed and went to my locker and grabbed the things I need for the first period

✈ * ・ ° ↝ ♪ ™

I walked out of the school campus finding a place where I can change into my suit

Since Peter doesn't have a suit and probably won't forever, I will be watching the neighborhood by myself

✈ * ・ ° ↝ ♪ ™

It's been an hour and nothing is happening that I could potentially save someone or catch a robber on the move

"You have been sitting on this building for the last 1 hour and 48 minutes" My AI reminded me

"I know AI, I can't find anyone who I can help with and without Peter, I won't know if someone needs saving" I said

"Since we're going to be here for 20 minutes, you start sharing your information for me to know who my owner is" My AI said

"You know what, I should give you a name"

I started thinking of a name for her but I couldn't pick the right one

"What about Luna?" I asked

"Luna would be a great name" she said

"Luna- L ive U ntil N o one's A live" I give her a meaning

"That is wonderful Adelaide but I have received an alert down the street, a blind girl is about to cross the street" Luna said

"On it!" I said as I swing over the sidewalk and saw the lights were still green

I carefully walked over to the girl and saw cars were passing by

I saw a car driving towards her and I quickly ran over to her and shot my web to a pole across the pedestrian lane

"What's happening?" The girl asked

"Don't worry, I saved you from a car that was about to hit you" I said before landing on the ground, "Are you ok? "

"Yes I am, these little boys said that the lights turn red so that's why I crossed the street" The girl explained, "What's your name?"

"Web Girl" I introduced

"Thank you so much for saving me, I hope you and Spider-Man have a great day!" She said

"We also wish you a good day" I said, feeling a stung on my chest from the sudden realization that Peter wasn't here

I swing over to another building and waited until 6 before going home

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