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Peter and Adelaide both sat across from each other and handcuffed to the table as the agents from last night starts asking questions.

But Peter had to justify them, "We didn't kill Quentin Beck. The drones did"

"The drones that are yours" The agent said.

"The drones were never ours. Mr. Stark gave them to Nick Fury fro him to give it to us" Adelaide explained.

"Yeah Nick Fury!" Peter repeated, "He was there the whole time. He can explain everything"

"Nick Fury has been of the planet for the last year" The agent explained and it came to shock to the duo.

"What?" They both stated.

"You're lying!" Adelaide exclaimed, "I'm pretty sure L.U.N.A. recorded everything after Mr. Stark placed a baby protocol in our suits. If you can just give her to me, I'm sure this case will be closed because it proves that we're innocent!"

"You mean your watch and the glasses?" The agent asked, "It won't work like that sweetie"

Before she spoke again, MJ called their names as they walked pass the room they're in as agents dragged MJ, Ned, May, and Adelaide's parents towards another room.

"They didn't have anything to do with it sir!" Peter said.

"DON'T SAY ANYTHING WITHOUT A LAWYER!" MJ, May and Adelaide's mom stated before they were escorted immediately.

✈ * ・ ° ↝ ♪ ™

It's now a week later and they were all back in Adelaide's apartment as they watched the news on the TV.

Adelaide was on her phone, trying to call Pepper as she watched the news about Stark Industries.

"You know she couldn't pick up her phone right?" Happy said.

"... Well yeah, I know that but I have to try" Adelaide almost hesitated, "I'm pretty sure she experienced a lot of problems coming from her husband but this is the biggest issue she has come across without Mr. Stark and this isn't even her fault!"

Adelaide was out of breath from her rambling on her concerns which Peter tried to calm her down and let her sit beside him.

"What is happening?" Adelaide spoke as she was clearly scared before their lawyer took their attention from the television.

"That's great. Thank you" Their lawyer spoke on his phone as he sat down on the chair infront of them, "Well I have some good news Peter and Adelaide, I don't believe any of the charges against, you are going to stick"

"Wait seriously?" Peter asked as they all were happy as they finally found a lawyer who justify their case.

"Oh I knew it!" May said.

Adelaide's parents thanked the Lord for His guidance, "Oh my Lord! Mr. Murdock thank you!"

They all expressed their gratitude to Matt but immediately died down when the bad news came, "However, Mr. Hogan"


"The feds are actively investigating that missing technology" Matt said, "I uh... Understand your loyalty to Mr. Stark and his legacy but if you were involved-"

"If I was involved?" Happy asked.

"I advise securing a lawyer" Matt suggested.

"I need a lawyer because I'm investor? I thought he would-he said there's no charge. I- I could say uh under advisement council u I refuse to answer the question-respectfully because like the answer can incriminate me because it's saying good fellas, what was the thing that's saying good fellas?" Happy spoke.

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