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Adelaide's Pov

Today is the day we travel to DC for the Decathlon

I'm kinda bummed that Peter quit because of being Spider-Man but I'm still here doing fine

I walked over to the bus to see everyone being excited about it and seeing MJ reading a book

"Hey MJ!" I greeted and saw Ned, "hey Ned"

"Hey Adelaide!" They greeted and the we heard one of our teammates yelled

"Hey! It's Peter!"

"Guys" Peter ran up to us

"Peter?" Liz asked

"I was hoping that maybe I could rejoin the team" Peter said

"No way!" We saw Flash interrupting, "You can't just quit on us, stroll up and be greeted back by everyone"

"Hey! Welcome back Peter" The teacher greeted Peter, "Flash! You're back in first sultan"

"What?" Flash questionably asked

"He's taking your place!"

"Um, excuse me could we go already, because I was hoping we can get some light protesting before dinner, so" MJ said

" Protesting is patriotic. Let's Go!"

Flash threw his Jacket to Peter before we got into the bus

"What happened last night Peter? Are you hurt? Did you catch them? What kind of weapons do they have?" I was asking so many questions and didn't realize that Liz wanted to do some trivia's

"Del, I'm fine, I tracked them and they're in Maryland right now and that's why I joined so that I have an excuse to go catch them" Peter explained

"But what about the Decathlon?" I asked

"I'll be back before it will start, I promise" Peter said

✈ * ・ ° ↝ ♪ ™

Peter answered correctly before getting a call from Happy

"Uh Liz? Can I take this?" I asked

"Sure go ahead" Liz said and I went at the back of the bus to answer

"Happy?" I answered

"I got a blip on my screen here. You two left New York?" Happy asked

"Uh yes? Wait, how do you know I left? " I asked

"Tony placed a tracker on your suits now tell me why you left?" HAppy asked

"It's just a school trip for the Academy Decathlon and I brought my suit just in case" I said

"Ok, just remember I'm watching you two and if Peter does something stupid, stop him please" Happy said

"I will" I said before hanging up and walked back to Peter

"Who called you?" Peter asked

"It's just Happy, he got concern why we left New York" I explained before Peter turned back to Liz and probably admiring her

✈ * ・ ° ↝ ♪ ™

We arrived and this place was huge and filled with students

"Ok! Here are your room keys, AND you have to share a room with the same gender"

I paired up with MJ and got a room that is next to Peter and Ned's

✈ * ・ ° ↝ ♪ ™

I knocked on their room and heard moving like they were hiding something.

"Didn't you see the do not- Oh, hey Del!" Peter greeted

"Hi! What are you two doing? Having sex?" I asked jokingly

"What? No! No! We're just working on something" Peter said

"On what? " I asked

"My Suit" Peter told the truth

"What are you doing with the suit? " I asked

"Just removing a tracker- look it's not a big deal-" I cut him off before he said anything

"It is a big deal, Mr. Stark is a genius and a billionaire and he could rehack your suit since he made it or he could pay the FBI to look for you" I said

"Why would Mr. Stark pay the FBI to find me? But I am trying to catch this guy and his gang about these deadly weapons and selling them to criminals and I'm the only hero who cares about it and tries to stop them" Peter explained

"What happened to our promise? The promise we first made about being super heroes. A promise to only look out for our city, our neighborhood for any thieves or fighters? We promised that the cops will handle the big problems" I said

"But Del-" Peter tried to explain

"You know what, have fun saving our country" I walked away and back to my room.

Thank you for 100 reads :)
I hope you like it so far...

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