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Jiggys pov

I got up around 6:00 because this new School is closer so we dont have to wake up so early. I took a shower and woke up Cohen before going downstairs. When i got downstairs i saw Cessar making some food so i sat on the couch while i waited for the rest of the boys.

"Foods done" i heard Cessar say "ok but ill wait for Cohen first. Oh did the boys tell you about him?"i asked "oh yea they did" he said "ok just making sure" i said before Cohen walked downstairs so we went to the table and ate before eveyone else came down.

After everyone ate we all got our stuff and went to the car. Since Ethan wasnt there to drop us off Devin had too. We got to the school and Cohen grabbed onto my hand before walking to class. Mike had already called and told the principle so i didnt have to so we went stright to class. We had Math first and we were just taking notes. I saw she was going a little fast and Cohen couldnt keep up so i raised my hand. "Yes" the teacher said looking at me "can you slow down a little i cant keep up" i said. "Ok. Im sorry"she said "thank you" i said before going back to my notes.


Once again we were waiting for Kobe and Derek to get back with the food. While we waited we were just talking and Cohen sat on my lap but he kept moving though. "Baby can you please stop"i said "s-sorry" he said "it fine you just keep sitting on my you know what" i said. Then Cohen started laughing and so did i. Soon enough they came back with food and passed it out to everyone before we all ate.

Cohens pov

Jiggy had to leave early because he had a doctors appointment. I still had a class he was supost to be in with me but i told him that i could handle it. I got to class and it was English.so i came in and sat down. When she was going over the classwork i couldnt pay attention and ended up just turning in a blank paper. "Cohen please come with me" the teacher said. I got nervous but i followed her into the hallway. "I went through your files and saw that you dont live with you parents because they disowned you. Is that correct?" she said and i nodded my head. "Well i see why they did because you cant even do the simplest worksheet" she said. I felt a tear come down my cheek before she walked back into the class room. I then put my back against the wall and sat down with my knees on my chest and running my hands through my hair. I was crying and i couldn't stop. After a while i felt someone come up to me and hug me before saying "hey whats wrong". I couldnt respond but the voice was familiar but not really.

Cessars pov

I was leving the bathroom before i saw Cohen on the ground with his back against the wall. I didnt know what to do so i just went over and tried to confert him. "Hey whats wrong"i said he didnt respond though. "Its me Cessar. Cohen you have to say something"i said before he said "i-i need M-mike o-or V-vallyk" he said "they went to take Jiggy to the doctor" i said then i remeber when my mom tought me how to handle this since shes a doctor. i did what my mom tought me and hugged him and told him "its gonna be ok Cohen".

After a while i think he calmed down so i decided so call Vallyk and tell him to Pick Cohen up because school wasnt over. I walked Cohen to his locker and got his stuff before taking him outside and waiting for Mike and Vallyk. "T-thank you" i heard Cohen say "it no problem" i told him. "At least y-you got there before i h-had a panic a-attack" he said "well yea thats true. Do you have them often"i asked him " yea i d-do. I had one a-at my old school w-which is why w-we came here. U-usually the only person that can c-calm me down it Jiggy b-but you did t-this time." he said "what happends if you cant calm down" i asked "well Most times i have t-to go to the hospital b-but they gave m-me medicine so i c-can just take t-that to wake me up if i-i pass out"he said "oh well thats nice of them" i said before Mike and Vallyk pulled up "yea it is" he said as he walked to the car and got in. Cohen seems like a really nice kid. We might get along well.

Vallyks pov

"So what happend" i asked Cohen "well the t-teacher pulled my i-into the hall and said s-she sees why my p-parents disowed me a-and stuff. T-then i was Stitting on t-the ground and c-crying then Cessar calmed m-me down and thats when he c-called." he said "wait so you just met him yesterday and he can already calm.you down. Damn i cant even do that and ive known you for a long time" Mike said making me and Cohen laugh before Mike pulled into the driveway and we all went inside and sat in the kitchen island soing homework.

A/n how was this?? Sorry if its long though. Bye bye

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