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Vallyks pov

I screamed for help them everyone ran upstairs. "What the hell happend" Derek asked "I-I don't know" I said crying. "Well what do we do" Kobes dumbass asked "CALL 911 ASSHOLE"

He grabbed his phone and dialed the number.

After a few minutes they came in and took Mike on the chair thingie.

"Can i come?" i asked "what are you to him" "his boyfriend" "ok c'mon" i jumped into the truck and they shut the door.

They put him on a breathing machine and gave him a shot of some sort. "How must stress did he have at the time" she asked me "Im gonna guess more than alot." "thats not good" she said "wait why" "Because stress affects the heart rate" "and" "if his heart is going to fast he could die" "Shit this is my fault"

Soon enough we arrived at the hospital and they took him to a roon i couldn't go in. I was in the waiting room then the rest of the boys showed up.

Derek came over and tried to hug me but i pushed him away. "Why" he asked "BECAUSE THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. YOU COULDN'T HAVE JUST TOLD US. THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPEND IF YOU NEVER CHEATED ON ANGEL FOR CLOUT" i said that and instantly regretted it. "What is talking about Derek" Kobe asked and Derek just ran off. "Are you fucking serious Vallyk. You know he doesn't like to talk about that" Jiggy said.

I just sat down and ignored everyone.

Soon the doctor came back. "How is he" i asked "well his heart hasn't slowed down but he is awake. To keep him calm only one person at a time and keep thing calm and quiet" "ok im going first" i said "right this way"
She lead me to his room and he was laying there. He looked so pale.

"H-hey" I said walking in. "Mhm" I went and sat next to him on the bed. "Why" I asked "i-i couldn't live without you. I though you were going to end it." "I would never end this. I love you and that will never change."

I kissed im on the lips and he kissed back. " um anyways who won the contest" he asked. "Its us verces Kobe and Derek." "Well we both know we're gonna win" he said making me laugh.

"Well its late so imma go tell they boys bye. Ill be back" I said getting up. "Ok" i left the room and went back to the boys. "Imma stay the night" i said "ok we'll be back tomorrow " Devin said. They then left and i went back to Mikes room. I layed on his bed with him and hugged him tight. "I love you" i said. "I love you too" he kissed me on the fore head and i fell asleep.

A/n ok im sorry this is really shirt and bad but i have no ideas for this story. And the amount of worda u couldnt spell on here us just sad... Also idk how a ambulance thing workss ive never been in a ambulance soooo bye bye now.

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