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"We're planning to start our own life" I said "what do you mean" Kobe said. "We wanna move out and have our own life. Like possibly adopt kids, get our own house. You guys can manage without us" Keanni said. "But, we can't manage without you, like when you went on vacation." Derek said.

"We'll still visit, we're just tired of the same thing everyday. If we move out then we can do new things everyday. We also wanted to adopt a kid or two, for new challenges. And there's no turning back because we already found a house not to far from here. I know its gonna be a big change but its official". " so your just gonna leave us?" Vallyk asked "No dont think of it like that. We will still be here whenever you need us, we just wanted something new"

"So how are you gonna tell the rest of them." "Who?" "Jiggy, Cessar, Cohen, Jacob" "oh...we weren't going tell Jiggy and Cohen....." "Why" "because we know its just gonna cause everyone to be mad at each other so we were planning to just leave while they are gone or something." "Devin you know how much Cohen looks up to you. He wants to be how non problematic you are" "I know but its just gonna be easier to just leave" "without saying goodbye?" "Sadly thats just how its gonna be"

"Why would you do that to me"

We looked over and Cohen and Jiggy were on the stairs. "Shit" I said under my breath. "Cohen....." I saud before he ran off. "You asshole" Jiggy said going back up the stairs. "What did you do" Keanni said. "I didn't do anything"

I got up and went upstairs and up to Cohens room to see him crying.

"Cohen I'm sorry...I didnt .mean for you to hear that" I saud sitting next to him. "It doesnt matter. Why would you even say that? I would have been fine if you would have just told me instead of just disappearing without saying goodbye." "I'm sorry, I didnt know how you would handle it."

"But you could have just told me. I'm happy for you" "thanks. And sorry" "its ok."

He hugged me then Jiggy walked In the room. "Sorry" I said "its cool. Where are you guys moving?"

I told them what our plan was and how the house isn't to far. I also told them that they can come over whenever they want as long as they ask first. I know its gonna be a big change but I also know that they can get through it. We all know at some point everyone in this house is gonna move out and start their own life, me and Keanni are just the first ones to go and once everyone is gone.....this house will just be history.

A/n Not proofread and I might be ending the story soon, or just skipping to the future

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