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Jacobs pov

Then there was a scream. We quickly left the bathroom and i looked over at Cohen and his machine was going crazy. "Shit. Cohen calm down." Jiggy said. Derek went to find a doctor and Mike and Vallyk were auguring. "CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP ALREADY." Cessar yelled. "Well its your fault" Mike said. "The fuck? No the hell its not because last time i checked you were the one who kissed me"

Then the noises just got louder. Cohen was screaming in pain, Derek was yelling for a doctor, and the rest of the boys were auguring because Kobe got brought into it.

"OK EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP. YOU FOUR ARE ARGUING OVER SOME SHIT THAT CANT BE CHANGED NOW WHILE JIGGY AND DEREK ARE TRYING TO HELP COHEN WHO MUST I SAY IS NOT OK AT THE MOMENT AND MAYBE YOU WOULD NOTICE IF THIS WASNT THE MOST TOXIC FRIENDSHIP IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD" I yelled. "Sorry" Vallyk said."how the fuck do you think sorry is going to fix it. Its nobodys fault but yourselfs. Vallyk its your fault for staying with Mike as he cheated on you more times then you know about. Its Cessar and Kobes fault for not telling anyone about it. And its Mikes fault for cheating in the first place. So can someone PLEASE go find a doctor before he suffocates"

They all got up and ran out of the room. "Thanks Jacob" Jiggy said. I went over and tried to see what the machine was doing. It had two lights. The green one was on when we got here but now the red one is on and its blinking. "Ok umm Cohen squeeze my hand once for yes and twice for no ok" i said i grabbed his hand and he squeezed once. "Does it hurt as in being punched" he squeezed twice. "Does it sting" he squeeze once then Vallyk ran in with a doctor.

We explained what happened and he said. "Well we found out yes he has autism its just never been takin care of or noticed. So instead of just saying panic attack it would more then likely be a episode as they call it. Its pretty much the same thing but he has a little bit of control over what he does and he has a little more time before he stops breathing. Before he was a episode he usually would be dizzy or words are going around in his head so be careful over what you say. He still cant be with loud noises and that stuff but now hes more sensitive to it. He just has more time before anything happens" "ok." i said.

He eventually calmed down and we went to sleep for the night but Kobe, Derek, Mike, and Vallyk had to go find a hotel because Jiggy didnt want them to argue again.

~next day~

Cohens pov

I woke up and everything was normal again. I went to the bathroom,w washed my hands and left. Its really hard going through all of this at 13 but some kids have to go through it at a younger age. I layed back down and grabbed Jiggys phone. I unlocked it and just played some games.

I trust that he wouldn't cheat so I never have and never will go through his phone. But something different happend. As I was was making a random tik tok he got a text. I didn't mean to press it but I did. And one thing led to another and I was reading the messages and he was texting...........MY DAD?!

I put the phone down as I started crying. "Baby what's wrong" he asked. "L-leave me a-alone" "what did I do" "y-you know w-what you did" "no I dont so please tell me"

I turned away and just ignored him. "Can you pass me my phone" I handed him his phone and then turned back around

"Oh shit" Jiggy said. "D-dont act like y-you didn't know" "ok I knew. I was going to tell you but you went to the hospital and I didn't wanna worry you anymore" "w-why do you e-even talk to h-him after what h-he did to m-me" "He told me he wanted to apologize to you and I trusted that. I'll remove him if you want" "YOU R-REALLY BELIVED THAT H-HE WOULD APOLOGIZE. N-NO HE LIKED S-SEEING ME IN P-PAIN" "YEA I DID OK. IM STUPID IM AN IDIOT I DONT KNOW WHY I BELIEVED HIM BUT I DID." "YEA Y-YOU ARE AN I-IDOIT. H-HE DOESNT CARE A-ABOUT ME. OR Y-YOU" "WELL NO SHIT. HE HATED YOU AND I SEE WHY HE DID"

I got up and locked myself in the bathroom. I sat with my back against the wall with my knees up to my chest. I was still crying though and Jiggy was banging on the door. "Cohen please let me in. I didn't mean it"

I wanted to but I couldn't I can only take so much before I completely fall apart. And he already filled me as high as I can go. He kept banging on the door and there was yelling and a lot of noise so I closed my eyes.

Soon the noises stopped and I heard nothing. I opened my eyes and there was nothing its was all just black.

Jiggys pov

"Shit shit shit" I said pacing back and forth. Jacob had went to find someone who can unlock the door while Cessar stayed and was trying to get Cohen to open it. I put a my ear to the door and all I could hear was him saying no over and over again.

"Jiggy what did you do." Cessar said. Soon Jacob came back with a doctor and he opened the door and Cohen was curled up in a ball on the floor. He wasnt awake he was just laying there. The doctor got him up and then more doctors came in.

Not proofread I'm at school😭😭😭😭

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