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Cohen's pov

"IM N-NOT GOING" I yelled. "Yes you are. Tyee said you are so c'mon." Mike said grabbing my arm. I pulled my arm away and winced in pain. "You know what. I'm tired of your shit" Mike grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me downstairs and into the car. "No i-im not going" I said trying to get out the car but I couldn't. "Asshole" I sat down because I knew there was no way out of this. Jiggy got in the car and I layed my head on his lap as I was crying.

"Baby they are going to help you" he said playing with my hair. "N-no they won't" I whispered to myself.

Soon we arrived at a familiar building and I realized this is the same place my parents took me. Then all the memorys came back. "NO. I-IM NOT G-GOING IN THERE AGAIN" I yelled. "what do you mean again." Jiggy asked. I didn't even wanna talk about it.

He parked the car and Mike carried me inside because I wasn't walking. "Oh hello old friend" the lady who I used to go to said. She was the one who would rape me. I started crying more because all the thoughts came back. "Cohen stop crying. Your overreacting" Mike said. Putting me in a chair.

Then they all left the room. It was just me and the lady. "Did you miss me?" She asked. I shook my head no really fast. "So are you still gay" I didn't answer. "Well I'll take that as a yes. Now its my job to change that"

She came over and put her hand in my pants. "S-STOP" I yelled. "Nope this is my job" she started taking off my shirt and touching me. "S-STOP PLEASE" I cryed out. "N-" then she got cut off by Jiggy bursting through the door. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING" he yelled.

I was just crying and the lady looked shocked. Jiggy came over and pushed her out the way. He fixed my clothes then carried me out the room. "We're leaving" he said. All the boys got up and left.

We got to the car and he bukled me in. I was still super scared so I layed on Jiggys lap. And went to sleep.

Jiggy pov

"So you guys seriously didn't hear his screaming" I said. "No we didn't" Mike said "well yall must be deaf because it was clear as daylight"

I looked down and saw Cohen was moving weirdly. Then I looked at his stomach and he wasn't breathing right. "Stop the car" I said. "Why" "I SAID STOP THE FUCKING CAR". He pulled over and stopped the car. I put my hand on his stomach and he wasn't breathing as normally as he should. " what's wrong" Vallyk said "I think he's having a panic attack" I said. "But he's asleep" "Go to the hospital" I said.

He pulled back to the road and made his way to the hospital. "Cohen you need to wake up." I said shaking him. He wasn't moving any more but he was breathing but still not right.

Soon we got to the hospital and Mike carried him in. "HELP SOMEONE" He yelled. Then a lady came over and put him on a chair thingie and wheeled him away. "What happened to him" a doctor asked. "Well we found out he was cutting so his leagel guardian said therapy. So we went and took him to the room and he was crying the whole way there. He was also saying something about being there again. He wouldn't tell us anything so we rubbed it off. Then when he was in the room I heard him yell stop and I was in the waiting room. At first I was confused then he yelled it again so I went in the room and she was all up on him with her hand in his pants. I carried him to the car and he went to sleep. And after a while I realized he wasn't breathing right and I thoughmt he was having a panic attack in his sleep so I told them to come here" I said kinda fast.

Then the same lady who took him away came over. "Well good news and bad news" she said "good news first" Vallyk said. "Well he is alive. The bad news is he isn't responding to anything we give him. He was awake for a nice minute and he knows His name and birthday so he didn't loose memory. He can't leave until we figure out what happend. Its not normal for a panic attack to happen while he's sleeping."

"Can we see him" I asked. "No in sorry. He doesn't need anymore stress at the moment. We will call when you can see him."

A few tears fell down my face. I can't go to long without seeing him it just doesn't work like that. "Its Ok Jiggy" Mike said. "NO ITS NOT FUCKING OK. ITS YOUR FALUT FOR WANTING TO SNITCH TO TYEE ABOUT IT. WE COULD HAVE JUST HANDLED THE SITUATION OURSELVES AND NOW HES IN THE HOSPITAL FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG" I yelled then I walked out the door and to the car.

A/n just some mothouguldn't

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