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jiggys pov (of what happend)

i stood up and started yelling at Mike because i almost got Cohen calm but he messed it up.

"I ALMOST HAD HIM" i yelled standing up but keeping Cohens hand in mine. "OK AND HE'LL DIE SOMEDAY ANYWAYS" Mike yelled. "DONT SAY THAT" "ITS TRUE" "AT LEAST WE'RE NOT TOXIC" "AT LEAST I CAN KEEP HIM ALIVE"

that sent me over the top so i ended up throwing the first punch. He punched back then a fight happend, Vallyk tried to stop it but he had no chances once Mike pushed him away into the glass table.

Once i got him off of me i had a bloddy nose and some bruises, while Mike came back at me the door was kicked down and a bunch of cops ran in. They grabbed Mike and a few went upstairs, i looked over to see Cohen passed out and some people trying to get him.

Everything got really blurry and dizzy and the last thing i remeber was falling to the ground.

Mikes pov (presant time)

I was just loaded into a cop car and saw Kobe in the one next to me. I know why im getting arrested even though he threw the first punch. One, hes a minor and im 18 witch labels me as a adult. Two, I came back at him even though i should have just stopped. And Three, I have hit Vallyk once or twice and i know it was wrong but it just happend. So theres no way im gettong out soon, and for Kobe......i knew what he was doing to Derek and i tried to get him to stop and he wouldnt. I tried to help Derek out of it and he said he was to scared so if i were to get bailed out i know they would just leave Kobe. He was affected everyones friendships in a bad way so its good that hes leaving, but i dont know if they will bail me out

The cop got back in the car and pulled off. "if you were to guess, how many years would i have" i asked. "well i dont know for sure but, your boyfriend told me you've hit him and you fought a minor. So a nice six years" he said.

"ok i only hit Vallyk once or twice and i had my reasons to do so. And he threw the first punch" "well you cant just hit him because your mad and he was 15 so you could have easily just walked away. and i was also told you were threting a different minor witch would add a few months. And before you say anything save it for the judge." "ok, but what would my bail be" "hmmm i would say around 20k" "oh i can do that" "thats if your lucky"

i just sighed and sat back. ive been to jail once before and its not the best......

Kobes pov

"can you fucking let me out" i said as he pulled off. "No" the cop said. "i only hit him once, i should be able to go homeeee" "thats not what everyone else told us" "they can suck my dick. fucking snitches"

we pullled up to the jail and they took me inside. since i still had to go to court i couldn't go to actual prison, so they trew me in a cell and locked it. soon enough i saw Mike and he was in the cell next to me.

"bro...." he said. "the fuck you want" i asked annoyed "your not getting out soon. i asked the cop and he said if he were to guess i would get like six years. if thats what i get your getting more" "They better bail me the fuck out. i'm not about to stay here that long" "hhmmmm ok"

i sat down on the bad and it wasn't to bad. i layed down and soon fell asleep.

A/N i didnt proofread.........

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