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Devin's pov

After Cohen explained to me what happened I was kinda pissed at Jiggy. I know what Jiggy said wasn't true though, because when Cohen first moved in he would always tell me about how much he liked Cohen.

"Its gonna be ok" I said as Cohen layed hus head on his pillow. "No its not. I'm litterly nothing without him" "Yes you are. If you kept him stable then you can keep yourself stable. And if he's not stable he'll come back to you in to time" "yea ok" he said in a tone that stood out strongly.

I got up and went to Jiggys room and shut his door. "What the hell is wrong with you" I said walking over to him crying on his bed. "I'm over it. I'm over everything, there is nothing anymore." "What do you mean. Did you not hear what you said to him?" "I did hear what I said. If he really loved me he would know I didn't mean it" "Jiggy......you know he loves you. You didnt talk to him for almost three months so the only thing he could think is that you WANTED It to end so he ended it for you." "But I didnt want it to end though. I didnt talk to him because he didnt talk to me with made me think he was still scared of me." "Well I can ask him about it. But you need to fix it because you and him still have to share a room" "why us" "one, because you two are the youngest. Two,because everyone else here is to toxic"

"I'm tired of this. Everything that happend to me or Cohen hapoends because we are the youngest" "I mean. You are so thats just how it works. Anyways get your stuff" "Nope. I'm staying in this room. She can sleep somewhere else" "Thats not how it works" "I really don't give a fuck. Nobody told her to come here. She could have went to any other family members house and she chose here. Why the hell would anybody wanna live in this hell house" "Im just gonna leave. I can't make you move so"

Then I left the room and went downstairs. "So?" They all said. "Jiggys not moving and They ended it" "shit. Kiya I dont know if you cab stay here, there's to much going on" Mike said. "But I have nowhere else to stay." "You dont have a friend or someone" "no I dont"

"Thats a whole lie" Cohen said coming down the stairs and to the kitchen. "No its not. Everyone ditched me after they found out what happened to you" "well I'm glad they did. I always wished one of them could replace you as a sister"

"Cohen dont say that." Mike said. "Mike leave me the hell alone. You act like your my parent and your not, I can say what I wanna say when I want to and I dont care what you think about it. Everything that I do you think you HAVE to have a say in it when you dont. The only person who I HAVE to listen to is Tyee. Well I dont even have to listen to him honestly, because hes not even here ninty-five percent of the time. So let me do what I want and you mind your businesses"

"Mike he has a point" I said. "No the hell he doesnt. He is 13 in a house full of people of people who are older then him, so he has to listen to the people taking care of him." "Or you can just leave me and my problems alone." "Or maybe you can stop being disrespectful" "Oh I'm being disrespectful? Your the one who cheated on your boyfriend many times and then just got back together. I honestly feel bad for Vallyk, he has to deal with your bitchy attitude all day"

"Your the one to talk, your boyfriend was only with you because he felt bad about your sad depressing life. You make it seem like the end of the world" "You know what. How about you get raped, beat, and mentally abused for about three or four years. Go ahead and try it, I bet you wouldn't even get through a day as a 18 year old but I got through it for years. So in my mind it was the end of the world so stop being a bitch and watch what you say" "I would be able to get through five years" "I would say then do it ,but I rembered people actually love you. I don't get that privilege"

Then Mike was silent and Cohen went back upstairs with something in his hand.

"Well someone's in a mood" Derek said. "Guys. We need to change some stuff around this house. It not even because of him it because everyone here has gone through something painful and all we're doing about it is using at against each other." Keanni said. "What if we move houses. This house is full of toxic air" Vallyk suggested "Sounds good just ask Tyee" "I already did. I already found a house too" "ok then we should just start packing now" "ok then"

A/n well. Idek. Also I found a fp that reads this story and all I can say........I didnt know that any fps did. Anyways I gotta get my grades up so my best friend is tutoring meeee. I'll update again later

And I didn't proofread because science class has started🤓

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