Home Pt.1

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Aizawa Shouta-

The quirk doctor had just left after telling us the problem child's quirks (refer to the previous chapter). With practice, this kid could be a pretty strong ally, which is one of the reasons that I hope he's not with the villains.

"Alright kid, now we just need your parent's names and numbers so that they can come and pick you up and we can explain to them why you were missing for 3 weeks" (I know that this is the first thing that they were supposed to do but oh well)

The kid visibly tensed and for the first time I saw him make an expression that wasn't fake, and it was dripping with one emotion, fear.

"I-it's okay I-I can get ho-home by mys-self!" The problem child stuttered, obviously terrified, "I-I can explain to my parent saying that I was the one there in the first place!" The kid seemed to gain back some composer.

"Why don't you want me to ask your parents to come here? And why did you look so scared at the mention of your parents? Is there something wrong at home?" I asked.

"I don't want you to ask my parents to come here because it's a waste of time when I can just go there instead, I wasn't scared, I just realized how much my ribs hurt for a second there, and nothing is going on at home, not that it's any of your business!" The problem child responded.

I stared at the problem child, I knew that some of what he said are lies but I wasn't going to push it.

"Fine, but I'm dropping you off"


"Nonnegotiable! Either I drop you off or we call your parents to come"

The kid looked hesitant but eventually nodded.


"Good, you're being discharged tomorrow so get some rest and I'll take you home after the doctor says you're clear to leave, take the painkillers that I put on your nightstand for the pain in your ribs. The heroes helped pay the hospital bill so you don't have to worry about that." I got up and left the problem child's room, relieved that I finally get to sleep.


Izuku Midoriya-

Izuku: "So are you going to come in?"
Aizawa: "Are you going to let me come in?"
Izuku: "So, are you going to walk me to the door?"
Aizawa: "Are you going to let me walk you to the door?"
Izuku: "So, are you going to wait in the car until I go inside?"
Aizawa: "Yes"
Izuku: "So, are you going to-"
Aizawa: "Shut up kid and let me drive"

Mister Hobo superhero was driving me home and to be honest, I was a little nervous that my dad might come out of the house and Aizawa was going to see him drag me in or hit me. Let's just hope that this doesn't happen.

(Author here: I just wanted to say that you shouldn't follow what Izuku is doing. If you are in a situation similar to his, then you should immediately tell an authority, especially someone like Aizawa who is literally a hero and a teacher.)

Aizawa parked in front of my house and I grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"Thank you, Mister Hobo superhero!" I thanked him and then closed the car door.

"What did you just call me?!" I could hear him yell at me but I didn't respond.

I walked across our lawn to the smallish house. We lived in an apartment building before but because there were people living on all sides of us Father had to abuse Mother and me without making us scream. Apparently, my father didn't like that so we moved.

I took my key out of the bag that I had with me and opened the door to the stench of liquor and blood. The house normally smells like a faint liquor smell and someone tried to spray a lot of Frebreeze to cover it. But now the liquor was prominent so that it hit you as soon as the door opened and the smell of blood was mixed into it

So that I didn't look suspicious to Aizawa I didn't run into the house like I wanted to but instead turned around and waved at him. When he waved back I walked into the house as normally as I could and as soon as I closed the door at a normal pace, I ran into the living room to see if my mom was okay.

As soon as I entered the living room I froze. Sitting on the couch was my father. He held a broken liquor bottle in his hand and the floor was scattered with them. My father was staring at something on the floor with a type of horror in his eyes. I followed my father's eyes to the ground and for the first time in a while, I felt emotion knock me to the floor. A bloodcurdling scream ripped from my throat like no other.

I sat there screaming and looking at my mother's lifeless body. She was naked. Under her head was a pool of blood that a bunch of fish would be able to swim in. In her chest proudly stood a broken beer bottle. There was blood on her private area and her lifeless and cold eyes stared at me. As if asking me why I wasn't here. Why I didn't save her?

My father looked at me and smiled.

"So you came back, huh?"

I continued to stare at my mother's lifeless form.

"You're too late! You left here and left your mother and me all alone. It broke our hearts! As parents, how could we stand losing our child?"

I stared wholes into my mother's dead eyes.

"So of course, as your father, I had to do something! I had to go and find you, and bring our dear son back!"

I stared at the broken beer bottle in my mother's chest that ceased to rise and fall as it should.

"But your mother wouldn't let me! She told me to let you go. She told me that you were finally free! Free from what? You're just a quirk less idiot that can't do anything. Without me then you would die on the streets!"

I stared at the blood under my mother's head. The blood that belonged inside her body was mercilessly pouring out.

"I insisted on finding you, you deserved to be punished. So your mother used her filthy body to distract me and let me do whatever I wanted. But she couldn't even handle that so she started to bleed on my dick! It was disgusting! So I threw her off of me. But like the lunatic she is, she can't even fall properly and hit her head on the table! She looked at me as if I did something, So in order to teach her a lesson, I was just going to scrap her chest with my bottle! But I went too deep and mistakenly stab her! She screamed before finally dying and it was all your fault!"

I stared at the blood that fell from between my mother's thighs from being raped by her own husband.

"If you didn't leave then none of this would've happened! It's all you're fault that your mother is dead!"

I stared. And it made me angry. A bunch of emotions welled inside me. I had stopped screaming a while ago and now my face contorted into an expression that I never had before. It was all my fault...That my father killed my mother. That's right. It was my fault. But it was my father that killed her. My father killed her. And now he deserves to die.

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