Hero Aca Pt.3

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Izuku sniffled from where he was on the ground, Kacchan had pushed him again!
"Why are you being so mean kacchan, i thought we were bestest friends!"
"That was before i found out you were weak!" Kacchan started to look angry at him as if Izuku had done something wrong. His voice took on a slightly hysterical note as he continued.
"I'm supposed to be strong, and bright, and the best. That means that I can't be friends with some weakling! And that's what you are right now Deku! Weak!"
Kacchan looked at him as if he expected Izuku to agree and say he understood but Izuku didn't understand! He was still Izuku even without a quirk, not Deku. Just then the voices of Tsubasa and the other kids that hang out with Kacchan now were heard.
"Hey, look, Kacchan's got Deku!"
Kacchan turned back to Izuku and started hitting him again. Izuku didn't understand.

Hero Aca -

acid.rain: Career aspirations! Go!

sound_booth: Wow aspirations seem like a big word for you. Typed it all out correctly and everything, i'm proud

❄️frostfire🔥: The gc name is Hero Aca i assumed we were all "aspiring" to go into the same field

Red//Riot: ^ yeah i kind of of thought that too

acid.rain: wow i was just trying to get to know you guys a little! I'll stop!


Dis-lante: Since when did you use emojis LEM? I thought you said they were lame or smth.


sound_booth: oh Lord

L.E.M: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

❄️frostfire🔥: @acid.rain i suppose it was wrong of me to assume. I will be a hero.

Red//Riot: wow the confidence in that statement. I'm not as confident as that but i do want to be a hero too

sound_booth: same

darkShadow: i as well

sound_booth: is that grammatically correct?

acid.rain: wow grammatically! I bet auto-correct helped you spell that! And I do too


Dis-lante: I wanted to be a hero when i was younger

Red//Riot: do you not want to anymore?

Dis-lante: Well it's just the rules that i don't really like but i'm going to be a hero anyway bc of a promise i made.

acid.rain: i'm not saying this to come at you but shouldn't heroes want to do what they do to help people?

Dis-lante: That's one way to look at it, I do still like helping people and want to do that, and being a hero is the most legal way to go about that so I'd still get a license even without the promise

acid.rain: makes sense

sound_booth: MoSt LeGaL

darkShadow: Hidden truths are often covered with lies and yet a lie told often enough becomes the truth


❄️frostfire🔥: LEM likes your poetry darkShadow, he even thinks you should share it with others

darkShadow: @LORD.eXplosion.MURDER many thanks

L.E.M: 🖕


Hello, Lovelies!

So... it's been a year? I'm so sorry for not putting a hiatus notice or anything! Writer's block was just there. Every time I came to the fic I'd be like "I can't think of what to write and I'm not really in a writing mood" and then I'd ask myself "Should I put a hiatus notice so that readers aren't disappointed?" and then it was like " nah I'll come back to it" rinse and repeat until a year has passed!

Thank you guys soo much for the comments!! They are the reason that I find it within myself to write new chapters of this. The votes and people adding this to their reading lists are just so helpful and make me so happy! I love the interactions in the comments! With each other and with the story, It fuels me.

This is officially the last part of the last chapter in the first part of this story!!🥳 Pen-Pals Pt.2 will be starting with the next chapter: Katsuki's Origin Pt.1.
Don't worry, it won't be some half-assed redemption arc, like endeavors, we'll give Katsuki a hard time.

Sorry again for the long gaps between posts, I try my best!! And if I don't say otherwise, I have not abandoned this work!

Okay, that's all. Have fun reading!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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