Home Pt.3

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Izuku Midoriya-

I hurried around the house packing up my necessities and a photo book with pictures of me and my mom. I put everything in a bag and quickly walked out of the house. As I was closing the door back I saw the familiar purple swirl of Mamagiri's (I didn't like Misty anymore) portals.

Knowing what was going to happen since it was Stitches who was taking care of it I timed my walk perfectly so that by the time I was halfway through the lawn I swung my bag back and put on a pair of sunglasses just as the house burst into flames. I was never more proud of myself than at this moment.

I walked for a little until I came to Dagobah Municipal Beach (yes I search it up). The beach was littered with trash all over so no one really came here. That's the exact reason why I passed right by the beach and kept on walking. If someone was looking for a missing person or if a person was trying to hide, they would come here. It was way too risky.

I decided to stay in an abandoned salon that was only a little bit down from the beach. It was the perfect hiding place until I was old enough to go to UA.

4 Years Later- (Izuku's now 11)

The sun hit my closed eyes making my face scrunch up before I opened my eyes and placed a hand over them. I guess I have to get up now.

I went about the day like I always do. Brushed my teeth in one of the salon sinks. It would be suspicious if someone just started paying for water and plumbing in an abandoned salon so I just clean up the place so that from the outside it looks like no one has been in it for a decade. While on the inside I removed the salon chairs only leaving 2 of them sitting neatly on a rug in the back corner and a little table that I fixed up in between them with a radio on it making it like a little living room. In the next corner there is a salon sink that I cleaned and on top of it is a big jug of water that I just have to release the knob for the water to fall into the sink that I refill every week.

 In the next corner there is a salon sink that I cleaned and on top of it is a big jug of water that I just have to release the knob for the water to fall into the sink that I refill every week

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(Like this but clear and a little smaller)

Next to that is my makeshift bed. That might sound uncomfortable but it's really not. It's like 2 thick fluffy blankets on top of each other on the floor and a whole bunch of even more fluffy pillows on top of them then another fluffy blanket on top of that, so my bed is basically another word for fluffy. I have a mini-fridge that also acts as my nightstand. I don't keep much in there just a few yogurts and juice, milk, water, and some fruits. There's a bookshelf filled with books on sign language and novels. Next to that is a stand with my vigilante costume and a bunch of different weapons and knives. Oh ya, I also have a welcome mat at the door!

Now for me to explain all the things that you may have questions about now. 1. I fixed or got most of these things from the trash pile that is the beach or I just bought it, like I bought the blankets and pillows and the food of course. (I also bought the welcome mat). 2. The books on sign language are because after my house blew up I guess it was like a final straw and every time I tried to speak the words never came out. It was like my voice box was blocked off and I couldn't get to it.

It wasn't that I didn't want to talk I've tried. And sometimes when I'm by myself and no one is listening I can't force a few sounds to come out but I stopped trying. So I learned sign language and self-diagnosed myself with selective mutism after a lot of Google searches. The only person that I can talk to is dadzawa (I will explain) and even then I can only say small words or short sentences.

3. I have a vigilante costume and weapons because I officially became a vigilante named Discord a month after the incident. A well-known one too. Everyone knows who I am, the heroes have been trying to catch me for 4 years but have not been successful. The only reason that I became a vigilante is for training before I'm able to become a hero and fulfill my promise to Uncle One.

4. Dadzawa. Yes, this is Shouta Aizawa, or pro hero Eraserhead. He kinda put together that the vigilante Discord was Izuku Midoriya because Discord shows up a month after Izuku's house blows up and he disappeared and they have the same quirks. So now I've dyed my hair a little darker green (cover photo) for when I go out in public, but it doesn't really change anything so I avoid going out too much. Anyway as I was saying, dadzawa knows my identity and I guess he holds some guilt for not coming inside that day, so he looks after me whenever he sees me as Discord I've become very comfortable with him and he's like a dad that I never had. (My real one was trash). So that's why I nicknamed him dadzawa and even though he complains about it I can tell that he likes the nickname. He's the only person that I can talk to even if I can't say much. He even learned sign language for me!

Okay, that's a recap of everything significant that's happened in the last 4 years.


Hello, Lovelies!!

A lot of things were covered in this chapter which is why it's shorter than the other chapters (I was also just lazy).

Another thing! I'm going to tell you this now because I don't feel like dealing with comments on how his self-diagnoses could be wrong. Later on, when he actually sees a therapist he is told that his self-diagnoses of selective mutism is correct. I also do not have selective mutism so don't trust my portrayal of the topic.

The last thing did you guys see the new cover!! I edited the flowers and butterfly and the black background! Isn't it beautiful! I feel so proud even though it's not a big deal because I'm normally not good at this stuff! Didn't get a phone till I was 15 so ya. Still don't have a personal computer or laptop or tablet or ip- I think you get the gist.

Also, there's a reason that Izuku's vigilante name is Discord! That's because a definition of discord is ...(wait let me search it up really quick) lack of harmony between notes sounding together. This is an interpretation of how Izuku feels about himself in society, an unharmonic note.

Okay that all for today. Have fun reading!

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