Discord Pt.2

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Hello, Lovelies!
Umm so I'm sorry but I'm absolutely horrible at fight scenes so this is going to be horrible.
Okay, that's all. Have fun reading!
Izuku Midoriya-

I let Dadzawa go down into the alley first. He swooped down and used his capture weapon to wrap around the guy with the gun's wrist. Seeing that the gun was out of play I also joined him down in the alley.

"It's Discord!"
"Omg, what's he doing here?!"
"Why does he have this homeless man with him?"

The men started to literally pee their pants when they saw me which I found funny so I let out a silent chuckle. Dadzawa seems to find it funny as well because he also lets out a small laugh.

"I like how they recognize the vigilante and not the hero," Dadzawa says.
'Isn't that what you would prefer Mr. Underground Hero?'
"Damn right it is, it's illogical to want publicity when my job is to simply help people."

I nodded to what he was saying. I also believe the same thing. The only problem is that Dadzawa is a hero and I'm a vigilante. This means that if Dadzawa does something it's as simple as asking the press or the police to keep his name out of it, hence he goes unknown by many. But me, I can't do that. So that means that if I do something, it's all over everywhere the next day, hence I am very known.

The man with the knife charges at Dadzawa thinking that he has an advantage because 1. Dadzawa's capture scarf is being used on gun dude right now leaving him 'defenseless' in the eyes of these low-level thugs and 2. Dadzawa's clothes are very loose and baggy, expertly hiding how extremely fit he is and making him look skinny and easy to beat.

Both of these observations were obviously wrong when the knife dude swings his knife at Dadzawa only for Dadzawa to catch his wrist in his other hand, twist it behind him immobilizing the guy then used his capture weapon to make the gun dude drop his gun then kicked the gun towards me in a span of less than 3 seconds. Don't underestimate Dadzawa.

I was about to comment about it when I saw movement from behind me. Swiftly turning around I see the guy that was going through the lady's purse with another gun in his hands pointed straight at me. I quickly move my hand to my pouch to get one of my paper stars but I was too late.

The last thing I hear before I backed out was a gunshot and Dadzawa yelling my name.

Aizawa Shouta-

I was tying this guy's hands behind his back when I heard it. It was a gunshot. I turned around super fast in time to see the problem child falling to the floor where there was a growing amount of blood.

I yelled out the problem child's name before running up to him. Kneeling next to him I realize that he was shot in the stomach. The problem was that it wouldn't stop bleeding. The blood just kept on pouring from the bullet hole even when I tried my best to cover it with a large piece of my shirt that I had ripped off.

I will not let this problem child die. I already lead him to his doom once I didn't want it to happen again. I will admit that I had nightmares the first few nights after I had heard the news that little Izuku Midoriya's house and family blew up in flames just a few minutes after I had dropped him off. I knew that something sketchy was happening and that that was most likely the reason that the kid hadn't wanted me to meet his parents. But I'm a hero. I should've investigated. I should've at least walked the kid to his door if I knew something was up.

And next thing you know I get a call that the kid is ashes. I blamed myself for Izuku Midoriya's death.

But then a few years later while on patrol I met a kid that was just as cheeky as Izuku. Not just that but he also was able to use paper manipulation which was on the list of the Izuku kid's newfound quirks. The only difference was that this vigilante Discord couldn't talk.

After a while, I put two and two together and ask the boy about being Izuku. Turns out I was right, the kid didn't even try to hide it from me. After that, I tried my very best to protect this kid. This problem child Izuku or Discord or whatever I began to treat as if he really was my own child. Or maybe not. More like a best friend really. My best friend at the time didn't know that I had and still have the biggest crush on them so it was nice to talk to someone that I could freely talk to. Even if it was just me talking.

The first time that Dis had spoken to me after we reunited I was almost moved to tears. I knew by then that he had developed selective mutism. That must mean that he had actually really trusted me. That fact made me so happy.

It made me even happier when he gave me that stupid nickname and when I began to realize things like how he loves to drink hot chocolate with marshmallows when he's down and he loves to gossip. But not in a way where he invades your privacy and then tells everyone about it, he only tells me what he has permission from others to tell me and he only talks about stuff like that with me which also makes me happy.

I found myself looking forward to seeing him at patrols and being able to protect him and talk to him. I would really adopt this child if I could.

But now he's bleeding out in my arms and I'm trying my best not to cry and to stop the freaking BLOOD that won't stop to save his life, literally.

I see Izuku's face scrunch up before his eyes slowly fall open.

"I'm right here Dis don't talk if it hurts too much I just have to take you to the hospital, just hang in there okay?"

Izuku shook his head repeatedly and then looked at me with frightened eyes.

"You can't take me there Eraser! I was written down as dead remember? If they find out that I'm not actually dead then they'll put me in the system! Either that or they'll find out that I'm also the vigilante Discord with common sense and then I'll get arrested. Please don't take me there."

I knew all of this already! But what was I supposed to do? Sit there and let him die in my arms? Of course not.

"Hold on, alright? I'm gonna run so it might get bumpy" I told him.

He looked at me confused. I ignored it and picked him up making him wince. I whispered to him about how everything would be okay as I swung us onto the roof of the building next to us with the help of my capture weapon. And it would be okay. It had to be.

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