Discord Pt.1

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Izuku Midoriya-

My vigilante outfit is a grey crop top with the word 'DISCORD' spray-painted onto it in green, a pair of dark cargo pants with a utility belt, a black beanie to cover my hair since my hoodie falls off sometimes,  a green bunny sweater that I leave unzipped and my red sneakers. I love this bunny hoodie even though dadzawa says to change it. He tells me to change it because there have been multiple occasions where someone has stopped me by grabbing my bunny ears that are attached to the top of the hood and naturally flop down on my head. I also wear a green bunny mask. Since my outfit is overall 'green bunny' some people have been discussing the meaning behind the name 'Discord'. Where did it come from? Another topic of discussion is my age. The public is putting me from 13-29. I'm 11.

I throw my hood over my head, the bunny ears falling around my face. I slip out of the salon and put on the bunny mask before jumping onto a building and leaping to the next using my quirk, agility, to help me. I can easily do this without a quirk, I just go much fast and smoother with one.

The sun has already gone down so I can freely leap from building to building without having to worry about a normal citizen looking up and seeing someone jumping on rooftops.

After about an hour into my patrol, I stop at a particularly high building and sit at the edge swinging my legs off the side. Today wasn't really that busy. I stopped a few fights and rape from happening. Not that that isn't something serious it's just that there is normally a lot more to stop during this time of the night. But h guess the holiday seasons are coming up and even the criminals are getting into their Christmas spirit. Except for me of course. I'm still running around doing patrol and making sure that the people can enjoy their holiday in peace. There's also the fact that my family never really did anything during this time of year anyway so I guess I didn't really have any 'holiday spirit' to give.

"You're sitting far too close to the edge than I'm comfortable with you being." A voice let out behind me.

I turned around to be met with dadzawa walking up to me and contradictory to what he just said, he also sat at the edge only a few feet away from me.

I quirked an eyebrow at him, we both know that I wouldn't fall and that if I did I could just use agility to save me from the fall.

"Don't give me that look just because you could save yourself from the fall doesn't mean that I won't worry watching you fall."

"Dadzawa" I whispered, and put a hand to my heart.

Dadzawa looked like he was embarrassed as if he hadn't meant to say that out loud but at the same time, he looked pleased with himself that he got me to talk even if it was only one word and the nickname that he normally complained about.

He scoffed to hide his embarrassment and shoved a hot chocolate in my hands before I could say anything. How he got it all the way up here I'll never know.

'Thanks' I signed.

A/N- Because I'm lazy (as we've established): '_' is for when they are signing, and "_" is for when they talking normally.

"No problem kid"

We sat there in comfortable silence. I've always wanted to snuggle into dadzawa's side and fall asleep there but I'm not sure if he would appreciate that.

'Hey, I think that you should confess on Christmas, wouldn't that be so romantic?' I asked him.

He sputtered at a loss for words then he furrowed his brows at me.

"What do you mean Dis? I don't have anyone to confess to."
'Of course, you do!' I signed enthusiastically. 'You have a very obvious crush on Present Mic'

Dadzawa flushed redder than I've seen him and it was so cute.

"I- I don't think I'm ready for a relationship just yet. And that's assuming that he would actually like me back."
'What's there not to like about you?'
"It's just- you wouldn't get it, kid"
'Because I'm a kid?"
"No, because you've never been romantically attracted to anyone before."
'If by romantically attracted you mean have a crush then yes in fact I do know the feeling.'

Dadzawa looked at him with a glint in his eyes.

"You like someone?"
'I was like 5 I think'

Dadzawa looked at me like I was crazy and I just gave him a smile that I knew he couldn't see under my mask.

'I knew him since I had memories since our moms were like best friends. He was my best friend too... until I was diagnosed as quirkless. Then he was my main bully.'
"That's... I'm sorry to hear that Dis. I wish I was there for you at that point. So that nothing could've hurt you."

I gave him an amused look and was about to respond when a scream echoed throughout the silence of the night. I jumped up at the same time as Dadzawa and we both jumped off of the building, leaping onto the roof below this one and so on until we came to the alleyway where there was a lady. Most likely coming home from work late. There were 4 guys surrounding her. The furthest from her was shuffling through a handbag taking out items, the bag was most likely the ladies. The second one was standing behind the lady with a knife pressed against her throat and her body against his. The third and fourth were standing directly in front of the woman. One of them manhandled her and the other threatened her with a gun.

Seeing the lady sobbing in the alley both me and Eraserhead swooped down from where we were to save the poor lady.

After this, I'm just going to speed up the plot... a lot, because once again I'm lazy and I want to get to the chat doc part of the story so whatever leads us there is just my rushed thinking and it will probably be pretty confusing.

I was pretty close to discontinuing the story because I had no idea how I was going to get Izuku to get adopted by Aizawa without the police finding out that he's a vigilante but I don't like when stories are discontinued so I'm not doing that to you guys but in exchange, you get a very half-assed backstory.

Okay, that's all. Enjoy reading! (I guess)

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