Home Pt.2

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3rd-ish POV-

Hisashi Midoriya never really cared about the child that his wife gave birth to. When they first got married he thought that he could try to love her, but he never could. At least he could make some money out of the kid they breed. But the little shit was quirkless. No one wants a quirkless kid.

All in all, they were both useless so he didn't really care for them. That didn't mean that when Hisashi had mistakenly pushed the broken bottle into his wife's chest too far that he didn't panic. Of all the things that he's done, murder was never on that list.

The first thing that he did after the panic subsided was try to blame it on something else. It was Inko's fault for stopping him from leaving, it was her fault for falling and hitting her head. But he knew that this wasn't true. Then who's at fault? Of course! It was that quirkless little shit! If he didn't leave then none of this would have happened and Inko wouldn't be dead.

When Izuku came home Hisashi was shocked. He never thought he would see the boy again, that he had run away. Did he really come back? The thing that made it easier to blame this on Izuku was the fact that Hisashi would never have to lay eyes on the boy again.

Hisashi kept with his statement that it was all the boy's fault and even decided to share how it was his fault and the whole story of when his mother died. What could this quirkless little boy do to me anyway? Hisashi had thought. But as he neared the end of his story he saw the look in his son's eyes. Pure bloodlust. But what could the boy do to him? He had no power, no quirk, no strength. This little shit could never lay a hand on Hisashi, so why did the boy suddenly look so intimidating?

As Izuku slowly turned his head from his mother's corpse toward his father he held a conviction that could not be swayed. His father deserved to die. And he was the one who was going to kill him.

The second his eyes land on Hisashi the man fell to the ground.

Hisashi Midoriya-

As soon as the boy's eyes landed on me I felt as if gravity had intensified. As if the air around me was a boulder forcing me to my knees. But even after my knees had hit the floor it still didn't let up. In fact, the boulder just got heavier. It pushed me until I was laying on the ground. It finally eased, but only so that it wouldn't suffocate me, it still held me to the ground.

I thought that it was finally over but just then the most amazing and terrifying thing I've ever seen happened. Every piece of paper that was in the room or even out of it began to... levitate? The paper all ripped itself in half and then folded into what looked like a knife-like needle. Even though it was made out of paper, dozens of knife needle-shaped paper floating in the air and directed straight at you was pretty terrifying.

When did the child get a quirk? Or quirks even! And they were this powerful. Did the doctor lie to us? Or did the kid develop his quirk late and never tell me about it? This little shit!

Suddenly the boulder disappeared and the air around me was back to normal, but as soon as the air released me, the flying paper-knife needles shot straight at me. A hundred needles pierced my skin, harder and sharper than any other paper that I'd felt before.

I screamed in pain as the paper needles scrapped and prodded at my skin, leaving me scattered in cuts and bruises. After a minute, my entire body was covered in blood leaking from the billions of cuts I had but the paper still cut and scrapped at my skin even cutting at the places that already had cut. I felt like I was slowly being skinned alive. I screamed in pain and cried as my life depended on it. I didn't think that this was the way I would die. That my son would skin me alive with paper.

Right when I was about to pass out in pain, the papers all stopped. Because the papers had stopped and I finally had time to breathe I was now hyper-aware of all the cuts on my body and the pain doubled. I looked over to where the boy was sitting just staring at me with eyes intending to kill.

One second he was sitting across the room staring and the next, he was crouching down next to me picking my head up by the hair and yanking my head back so that I was looking right at him. I swear all I did was blink, did I even blink? He just appeared before me in less than a second as if he had teleported there.

He looked down at me in disgust and then slammed my head into the ground, making my head explode in pain. I'm pretty sure this boy just gave me brain damage. He continued to slam my head into the ground leaving a dent in both the ground and my head. There was blood everywhere and my conscience began to fade.

Once again just as I was going to pass out he let go and stopped his attack. He then pulled out his phone and seemed to be searching his contacts before finding what he was looking for and putting the phone to his ear. After it rang for a while someone finally picked up.

"Hey Uncle One!... yes I'm fine, I just got out of the hospital and made it home safe...haha tell Shigi not to worry so much, I mean we're technically on different sides now... yes actually that's part of the reason I called you!... well now that I promised to be a hero and all that means I can't kill right?... ah I thought so... my dad... well he decided that while I was out he was going to kill my mom, and so, of course, I want to kill him back but I guess I can't do that now...he's immobilized, won't be moving again without physical therapy...really?!?...Thank you so much Uncle One! If Stitches is going to do it for me then I'll have nothing to worry about!... he's on his way?... I won't be here when he gets here, all he needs to do is kill the man with a bunch of paper cuts, and it's mission complete... okay bye-bye Uncle One!... Yup bye-bye," Izuku hung up and put his phone away.

Even though I could only hear one side of the call, I got the gist. Someone was on their way to kill me.


Hello, Lovelies!!

I know that I said that this story is going to be a chatfic, and it is. This part is more of an introduction before the actual story starts so stick around. If you want of course. I feel bad since I'm putting more attention to this story than my other stories but oh well. I used to write each story like, write a chapter for this book, then this one, then this one, and repeat but now I just work to update this one and maybe A dollop of Cookies sometimes. Anyway, that went way off topic so sorry bout that. But ya, I just wanted to say that the chat part of the chatfic will start soon enough so hang in there.

Okay, that's all. Have fun reading!

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