Chapter 5

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Phil's POV

I guess I never realized how much I needed Megan or Dan to be happy. I surely am not happy now. Arianna was a huge help, but she could never make up my best friend or my sister. I need them and not knowing anything about where they are or what their condition is was breaking me to pieces. What if they never came back? What if they were killed? They could already be dead. No..

Dan's POV

I wanted to call Phil to assure him that we were okay. Of course, my phone had been taken though. So had Megan's. I had no injuries, but was dehydrated and malnourished. Megan had bruises across the majority of her torso, as well as two broken ribs and a cracked ankle. How she had managed to run with all those injuries amazed me. I guessed that it was the adrenaline. 

"You may leave. Make sure that you're careful on that ankle," Megan nodded at the doctor's words and messed with the crutches she had been given. The doctor left and we exited the room, walking down the white corridor slowly. We approached the lobby and spotted two police officers. I heard Megan sigh from beside me. Their eyes landed on us we approached them. One of them held two phones that I recognized as ours. "We found these at the building we searched. We kind of figured they were yours from the lock screens." The woman officer said, handing me the phones. I wonder what Megan's lock screen is. Mine is a picture of her and I. That's probably how they noticed. "Thanks." Megan said softly. She sounded so innocent. They left and I handed Megan her phone which she put in her pocket after struggling with the crutches for a few seconds. I looked at my phone to see many messages from Phil. He stopped after a while. He probably gave up. "I'm going to call Phil," I told Megan and she nodded. "I don't want to stand on one foot." She laughed out, sitting down in one of the lobby chairs. I slid the missed call notification from Phil and the call started. After a few rings, I heard a voice. "Dan?" Arianna asked. "Arianna? Where's Phil?" Silence. "Okay, I don't know where you've been for the past few days, but I really need to you get down here. Phil- He's not doing very good and I'm really worried." Arianna said quickly. "Okay, Megan and I are at the hospital. We'll get there as soon as we can." The call ended. I turned to face Megan who was looking at me with a confused expression. "We've got to go now."

**I'm a terrible person. Don't throw tomatoes at me. There's still more to come.

I just realized that most of you know nothing about me, not even what I look like. *except few people like MessyPixel and PhilLittleLion* Would you guys like a update chapter where I tell you about myself? I think that'd be cool. If enough people tell me to do it, I will. Oh and put questions for me in the comments and I'll answer them in that chapter, if I make it.

Fanart is an edit for Our Fairy Tale made by @MessyPixel. If you want to send me some fanart, you can send it to me through kik (JustMeganMining), Instagram DMs (megan.b.davis), or Twitter DMs (xfreightcar / avengethecap). Or you can PM me and we'll figure out a way! Thanks in advance.

Thanks for reading! Love you all!**

Our Fairytale » Third Book in SMFM seriesWhere stories live. Discover now