Chapter 15

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"Phil!" I shouted after he had thrown flour all over me. I offered to make pancakes which had only resulted in Phil wanting to help and then we were all in the kitchen. "I got this!" Dan shouted, grabbing a handful of flour and acting like he was going to throw it on Phil, but then threw it at Arianna and I. 

"Hey!" Arianna shouted. Dan had no flour on him yet. "Hey, Dan..." I trailed off. "I love you!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him and pulling him into a hug. Dan screeched and pushed me off, making me laugh loudly. A puff of flour went past my face and suddenly Dan's face was covered. "Yeah!" Arianna and I high-fived. Dan blew some flour off of his lips before pouting. Phil's back was facing Arianna so she then took this chance to jump on his back. "Oh god," Phil said, almost falling from the unexpected weight on his back. Dan took my hand, spinning me around and making flour fly up from the floor. He pulled me to his chest, both of us in fits of laughter. 


We got cleaned up and after a while of cleaning the kitchen, all the flour was cleaned up. "I'm never offering to make pancakes again," I told them, messing with my hair which was wet from taking a shower. "That was Phil's fault though!" Dan whined. I shook my head, "It was all of your faults!"


"Babe!" I shouted as I walked into Dan & I's bedroom. "Yes?" I heard him mumble. I looked over to the bed and to no surprise, saw him lying there with his laptop resting on his stomach. I jumped down on the bed next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Hi," I said, watching as he scrolled through tumblr. He laughed a little, "Hello." I smiled, moving closer to him. "Two weeks," I told him. We had two weeks until our wedding. I looked up to see him smiling wide, "I know." I leaned up, connecting our lips in a kiss that was only meant to last a second or two, but was made longer when Dan put his hand on my neck, pushing me closer slightly. He moved his laptop to the side and I moved over, straddling his hips. I pulled away, laughing and burying my face into his chest. His hands had moved and now were resting on my waist. 

Our Fairytale » Third Book in SMFM seriesWhere stories live. Discover now