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Hi, my name is Megan Brooke Davis, but on the Internet, I mostly go by Megan Howell. That picture attached, yeah, that's me. (EDIT: The picture attached as of August 2017 is now me at 16. At the time I was writing this series, I was 13-14.) I'm 13, turning 14 in about 5 months. My birthday is July 24th. I like to think that I am married to Daniel James Howell, though I know it will most likely never be a reality. Planning on meeting him and his best friend, Philip Michael Lester, in 2016 at Playlist Live. Writing is my passion. Most writers on Wattpad take breaks when they are feeling down. Currently, I feel as if I am in a deep hole with no escape, but I won't take that break from writing because it is all I have left. I was diagnosed with severe depression when I was eight after I attempted suicide. As I've grown older, I've found things that I could do as a substitute to suicide. I cut. A lot. Judge me all you want, but it's common in teenage girls. Though, I started cutting at age eleven. It's the only thing that makes me feel like I have control.

Back on a better note, my hair is naturally dirty blonde, but I dyed it black a few months ago. My eyes are bright green. Think of kickthepj's eyes. Yeah, they look like that. I am overweight and that really lowers my self-confidence, but it's not a huge issue (bullying wise). I love video games and YouTube. If you didn't already know, I'm American. I live in Alabama, USA. I would love to live in the UK though. I have too many stories to keep up with and there are still some in the making.

I want to say, THANK YOU! The whole Save Me From Myself series has come so far and it's all because of you guys. Thank you!!!!! I love you all so, so much!
xx Megan

[Edit from 2017: A message to my past self. Megan, you turn 16 the day I write this. Yes, you make it to age 16. You did it. You survived. It was because of the amazing friends you found in the second semester of 8th grade. You are way less miserable once you become their friends. The girl from computer class will be your best friend. She will, and I'm not joking, be the Phil of the relationship. She comes in and brightens up your entire life. After that, you will stop cutting (as of 2017, you have not cut for 2 years straight; you never feel the need to anymore) and in the 2nd semester of sophomore year, you will get the courage to run for VP of Key Club (you will run against one of the most popular girls in school and only be two votes behind her, making the club sponsor have you as a second VP).

You will go to summer component with Upward Bound and you will win a who's who award for "Favorite." You will be shocked beyond belief, but that's what's expected from you who had no true friends from the time you were born to almost age 14 and was bullied everyday for 4 years (also, you only talked to probably 10 people out of about.. 50-70 people in that program; how you got enough votes to win that award will forever shock you).

You will forever remember the school lock down where the whole class was huddled up together in the hallway between the Home Ec classroom and the kitchens crying their eyes out and worrying about the door not locking, only for you all to find out that it was just a guy walking down the road with an empty gun holster. You will forever remember sitting in Mr. Mak's chair, your best friend sitting in your lap, and you two slowly scooting forward while you sang the Little Einsteins theme song. You will forever remember sophomore field day when you and 5 other friends got in a bouncy house to take a picture, then it deflating within 2 seconds. You will forever remember going to the band room, grabbing the slide whistle, and claiming that you had joined the band as their newest and only slide whistle player.

You will make so many amazing memories with these people. You are the happiest you have ever been. You made it, Megan. You got through it.]

[okay, another update: I wish that past Megan could read these because this would be a warning to her. Megan, please make up with your best friend that you met in 4th grade (also named Megan) way sooner. In the future, you both don't talk for a year, then you have a sudden urge to make things up. Around 2 months after you make up, she dies in a car accident while you are out of state. Also, if you get mad at her for ditching you for your cousin (who is going to use her death for attention), please don't be mad at her. Because only 5 days afterwards, she will die and you will not have texted her since she ditched you because you were mad. The last text you received from her was "Sorry." You'll never get to text back and tell her that it was okay. The last time you saw her she said "I love you" and you said it back, but hesitantly because you had just made up and you weren't ready for that. And for the love of God, text her and tell her to wear her seatbelt because she would have been alive if she would have been wearing it.

Obviously, present day Megan has guilt over it.]

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