Chapter 14

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Arianna was all about this wedding planning. She was so excited for it. We were meeting up with Zoe and Louise to pick out the bridesmaid dresses. Arianna was literally jumping with excitement. I was ready to go and Arianna was pushing me out of the door. "Okay, okay! I'm going! Eager, much?" I said to Arianna, gaining my balance. She laughed and skipped ahead of me.


"What does your dress look like?" Zoe asked. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, going to my pictures and finding the one that Arianna had taken of me in the dress. "That is beautiful!" Louise exclaimed. I smiled. "I think the bridesmaid's dresses should be black," Arianna cut in, causing me to nod in agreement. "Dan would most likely agree with that choice," I pointed out, laughing under my breath as I thought of the mass amounts of black clothing Dan owns. "Okay, let's get looking," Zoe said.


"Look at this one!" Louise pointed out. I walked over to where she was and saw a black dress with lace features over the top and a flowy sort of bottom. "Woah, I like that. Arianna! Zoe!" I called out. In less than a minute, they were admiring the dress as well. "Let's see if they have all of our sizes now," Arianna said, pushing through the dress and reading the tags.


We were finally back at the flat and Arianna was talking about how the wedding was going to be 'magical.' Dan was laughing as he was listening to her explain what she wanted the wedding to be like. "She's more excited for this than you two are," Phil said, laughing. "Yeah, probably." I said, leaning against Dan. "I'm sorry that I just really like weddings... Especially my best friend's wedding," Arianna mumbled. 

"Don't worry. I'll be excited about yours and Phil's wedding," I said, bursting into laughter. Dan shook his head, laughing beside me. I caught a glimpse of Arianna who had wide eyes. "That won't happen!" Phil exclaimed. "Yeah, right," Dan said. Dan and I high-fived as Arianna shoved her face into a pillow.

**This could possibly be the last book in the SMFM series and I don't want to let go. I will literally cry when this series ends and I'm not lying.

Picture is the bridesmaid's dresses.  

Okay, thanks for reading!

btw, I was watching High School Musical while writing this. WHAT TEAM? WILDCATS.

xx Megan**

[Edit from 2017: ^^ I'm only editing it and I'm already attached to this series again. No matter how bad the first two books are, this one will always keep me tied to this series. Also, I had an idea for another book for this series, but like this series is long over by now, sooooo]

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