Chapter 7

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Dan's POV

"MEGAN," Arianna yelled as Megan continued to scream the words to Fall Out Boy's song, Uma Thurman. I laughed as I watched Megan try to not to fall as she hopped around on her one good foot. "You're going to-" I couldn't finish the sentence before Megan let out a small screech and fell to the floor. Arianna was laughing loudly, music still blaring in the background. Phil shook his head, smiling. 

"I called it," I sighed out. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Megan pushed herself up only to fall back down. "Well, shit." She mumbled. I laughed under my breath and held my hand out to her. She took it and I pulled her up. "Now, I can annoy Arianna some more!" Megan exclaimed. Arianna groaned, crashing down onto the couch, her head landing on Phil's chest. "Dan, let's dance!" Megan took both of my hands, pulling me closer to her. "But I can't dance," I told her and she shrugged. "Plus, you have one foot," She stuck her lip out in a pout. I sighed and rolled my eyes before twisting her around.


I sighed as I tried to think of a video idea. I hadn't uploaded one in forever. Megan was beside me, head resting against my shoulder. "I know it's not really your style of video, but you could do a video of you playing the piano. I'm sure your fans would enjoy it." She suggested. I looked at her and shook my head, "The only way I do that is if you sing to it." Megan sighed, "Well, but that would make it bad." She sat up. 

"When you're actually trying, you sing really well," Megan laughed under her breath. "Yeah, right," I rolled my eyes at her response. "Okay, let's make a deal." I tried. Megan sat up, looking at me skeptically. "What is it?" She asked. "We make a video of you singing while I play the piano and if most of my fans like your singing, you have to start a YouTube channel." I smirked at her. She let out a long sigh. "I don't know," She mumbled. "Oh, come on! Just give it a shot!" I tried to encourage her. "Okay... Deal."

**I kind of want them to write a song, but I can't write songs so uh, yeah. We'll see if I can pull that off.

8k on Save Me From Myself... What even- How? And 1k on this one. Losing This War is almost at 8k as well. o.o THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS SERIES!

Love you all. xx**

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