Chapter 19

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Honeymoon Day 2:

We stayed in bed pretty much until lunch. Dan had gotten up, suggesting that we go out to get some food. I walked out of the bathroom to see him searching around the room. "Babe, where's my straightener?" He asked, turning around to look at me. I shrugged, smirk on my face. "Megan..." He whined, pouting slightly. I walked closer, bringing my hand up to run it through his curly, 'hobbit' hair. "It's adorable though," I protested, making him shake his head. I nodded. We continued arguing through head gestures until Dan groaned in frustration, "Okay, fine." I smiled, happy with my victory. I looked at his hair, "You know, you'd look really good in a beanie." He shook his head, "This is all you're getting."


We had lunch and were walking back to the hotel when Dan spotted a sweets shop. "Ooh, let's go get some sweets! Oh wait, I have unlimited sweets," He said causing me to give him a confused look. "You're enough sweetness to last a lifetime," He winked and I hit his shoulder lightly, laughing under my breath. He laughed, grabbing my hand. 


"Okay, what shall we write on it?" I asked Dan as I held the lock in one of my hands and a permanent marker in the other. "Our Fairy Tale," Dan said and bit his lip. "Perfect," I mumbled, writing the three words on the lock. I then wrote 'D.H. + M.H.' at the bottom of it. "There we go," I handed it to Dan who locked it onto the bridge railing. I held up the key, "Together?" He nodded, grabbing onto part of the key as well. I counted down under my breath and we both brought our hands back, letting it go once our arms went back forward. I heard the sound of the key hitting the water and sinking. I looked at Dan and we both laughed. 

"This is so cliche," I spoke, laughing lightly. He laughed as well, "I know right." He pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked him, making him look over at me. "I'm taking a picture of it," I thought he would just open up his camera, but instead he opened up twitter. I laughed under my breath before watching as he took a picture of the lock. He didn't put any text, only tweeted the picture. He smiled over at me. I laughed under my breath and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He squirmed a bit before settling into the touch. "God, I love you.." I laughed out, making him laugh as well. He lent forward, connecting our lips. I smiled into the kiss. "Love you too." He said, pulling away.


Dan was sitting on the bed, looking at his phone when I sneaked up behind him and quickly slipped the beanie on his head. "What? What are you- I told you no!" Dan shouted, laughing. "Oh my god, that looks great," I exclaimed. "When did you even get this?" He asked, going over to the mirror and looking at the black beanie that rested atop his head. "When we were out earlier and went into that shop. I bought it when you weren't looking," I explained. "Wow," He rolled his eyes. He looked in the mirror again, "I think a snapback looks better.'


"What if we had kids?" Dan asked, staring at the ceiling. Obviously, it was just a thought that he let slip out. "Hmm.. Well, you would be the best father ever because you're sweet and caring." He looked at me and laughed. "You'd probably spoil them though," I said, cuddling into Dan's side. "I would not!" He paused, "No, I would." I smiled."Well, that probably won't happen for a while." I said, yawning as I leaned my head on his chest. "I kind of look forward to spoiling a little child," Dan said, letting our a small, short laugh. I shook my head, smiling.

**Thanks to Jess (phangirl_for_lyfe) for the help on this chapter.

Let's not even start about my teacher reading one of my stories (Mission: Internet Star) out loud in class. Jesus, I think I'm just the author of the class. Half of my class already reads my stuff anyways.

Dude, it's bad when the teacher sits the two smartest kids in class by her desk to ask them questions she doesn't know the answer to. I am one of those kids. Oops. I had to look up if gotten was a word today because we were questioning our use of gotten. We happen to question our life all the time.



You guys are truly amazing. I love you guys so much! Thanks for reading.

Stay awesome, lovelies!

xx Megan**

[Edit from 2017: Okay, the smart kid I was sat by ended up being my best friend because of that class, sooooo. Just let it be, past Megan. 

Also, what was happening on The Fosters two years ago? I know what's happening now, but I've forgotten 97% of the stuff that has happened in that show.]

Our Fairytale » Third Book in SMFM seriesWhere stories live. Discover now