Chapter 16

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One week. Not gonna lie, I was beginning to get nervous. I knew that on the wedding day, I would be a nervous wreck. I bit my lip. "What am I going to do about these?" I asked Arianna, looking at my arms and the many scars that resided there. "The dress sleeves don't go down far enough," I pointed out. "Uh..." Arianna paused, thinking. "We could just put makeup over them?" She suggested. "Or you could just leave them?" I heard, making me look over to the door where Dan stood, leaning against the door frame. "No.." I mumbled, biting the inside of my cheek. "Oh, come on, Meg. You can't hide those forever. They're just your past..." He said. "He's right," Arianna said, nodding. I sighed, "Fine.." 


 We had so much to do leading up to the day before the wedding. It was beginning to get stressful, though Arianna was a big help as she wanted to do most of the planning. We already had the venue booked. My parents were flying in two days before the wedding, as well as mine and Phil's older brother, Martyn, and his wife, Cordelia. Dan's family didn't live too far so it wasn't much of a problem with them driving up on the wedding day. Everything was starting to be figured out. Dan had already said that we were going to Paris for our honeymoon, which was only lasting three days. It's hard to imagine that in only a few days, Dan and I will be married. Time moves fast, I guess. 

**I think the next chapter may be the wedding. Probably.

Sorry that I haven't updated in like 4 years, okay?


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