Chapter 21

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I looked in the mirror, scrunching my nose up in disgust. My shirt was rested above my stomach as I stared at my reflection. "Stop doing that," I heard, making me scramble to look as if I was doing nothing. "What?" I looked at the door and saw Dan standing there. "Stop looking at that mirror and thinking bad things because I've been seeing you do it a lot lately and you look perfect, so stop worrying," he explained, making me sigh and bite my lip. He walked closer, wrapping his arms around my waist loosely. "I just can't help it," I mumbled, looking away. "Well, you look perfect to me and that's all that matters, okay?" he raised his eyebrows until I nodded in response. He flashed his amazing smile at me before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I don't know," I mumbled over and over again as I paced. "You know that I'm an idiot and am probably wrong," Arianna said, leaning against the wall and rubbing her eyes. "But what if you're right?" I said with a heavy sigh. "Well, you better be telling Dan that he's gonna be a dad then."

**Yeah. Sorry for the long wait, but now it's summer so more updates soon! I'm now a freshman too, which means updates will happen almost never when the school year starts back because I need to get good grades for scholarships! So yep. Leave feedback please because I love your comments! Thanks!

[Edit from 2017: ^brb crying bc it was the summer before freshman year when I wrote that. I DON'T WANT TO BE A JUNIOR. Unpopular opinion, but I love school. Mainly because I get to see my friends all day every day & I have episodes of depression when I'm away from them for too long (since my depression is mostly gone, it just comes back in episodes when I'm lonely, sad, or just really feeling bad about myself). 

This chapter was written 2 years ago before freshman year. It's sad to think that in two more years, I'll be graduated and (hopefully) going to college. Honestly not gonna survive after I graduate.]

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