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“Hey man,” Luke said coming up to me and we did out handshake. “Sorry about the call this morning I knew I shouldn't have mentioned Gw- She who must not be named” he corrected seeing me glare daggers when he almost said her name. I hated her for what she did, she broke me, and I can't even find all the pieces to put myself back together. At school I did an okay job of hiding what I was thinking. Today Was not gonna be one of those days. but despite all that, i still loved her...Gwen “Yeah man its fine,” i answered him “Lets just get through the day.
    I was in second period when I was brought out of a trance by my name being called “Mr. L/n MR. L/N!” my teacher called me and Luke kicked my foot “You with us?” she asked “Yes, sorry” I responded quickly and she continued teaching as I reprimanded myself for spacing out, I couldn't get that night put of my head.
    In 3rd period I spaced again, a friend brought me out of it and the teacher called my name. I saw her then start typing on her keyboard. I noticed the keys she was typing. I could find that detail, even without my powers, I was kind of a computer genius but I still trusted Luke with my stuff. She was typing an email or something about me, she thought this was a bad day and that I need to talk.
    The bell rang  and we headed to lunch. Me and Luke were talking about spider stuff when one of the lunch duty teachers gave me a slip of paper. “Fuck,” I said as I read it “I am needed in the office” I gathered my things and went to the office where the counsalar was waiting “Mr. L/n,” she said with a fake smile “We should talk, let me show you to my office.” I knew where it was because of how many times teachers sent me there. Ms. Betts (The counselor) shut the door and we sat down. “Y/n do you know why I have asked for your presence?” she asked and I answered “No, am I in trouble?” I asked and she told me no that she just wanted to talk. 
“Y/n, I know that it has been a year, but that is a normal amount of time for what you experienced, but I want you to tell me what happened”
“I think you know what happened” I only told her what she needed to know, my friend died and my long time girlfriend broke it off.
“Y/n, I need you to talk, you will feel better, I know its hard bu-”
“Hard? what do you know? Has your best friend ever died in your arms? has it ever been your fault?” I said slamming my hands on the table “I’m the one responsible for his death. It was my fault. I chose to be there for the girl that would break my heart 2 hours later, the woman that I loved, THE love of my life, the woman that I was gonna propose to, and I chose wrong, she broke me. I lost 2 of the greatest people I've ever known.” I was practically screaming, I then sunk back into my chair “It was my fault that he died, all my fault.”

    “Y/n this is not your fault, you couldn't have known what would happen. It is not your fault” Ms. Betts argued. “Your friend would not want you to think it's your fault. I then went back to screaming “But it is, If you could just understand, but you can’t, and I can't make you understand” 

“Why not?”

“I just can’t!” I was on my feet and I didnt even notice. 

“Is it okay in here?” the principal and Vice Principal where in the room “Yes we're fine” I replied sounding angrier than I meant to “Okay, just keep it down a bit” the principal just said giving a look of worry at Ms. Betts, who soon said “Y/n, I hate to say it but there is a possibility that you have to repeat your senior year.” 

“What? I said, how is that possible?” I asked and she replied “Y/n, you used to be a good student, good attendance, good grades but now that's all changed, I know high school isn't the best but there is still something you can do about it. If you manage to get a 90% or more on every test until the end of the school year in a few weeks, then you can graduate.” “Im sorry, I'll do my best, but everything reminds me of him, I can't focus, I see his face everywhere. I’m doing my best.” I begged “I get that Y/n,” she said “But you will get through this. Now get back to class”

Gwen Pov

    I was helping out in the office when I heard a loud voice coming from the counselors office “Hard? what do you know? Has your best friend ever died in your arms? has it ever been your fault?” I then heard a bang from the room and the voice continued "I’m the one responsible for his death. It was my fault. I chose to be there for the girl that would break my heart 2 hours later, the woman that I loved, THE love of my life, the woman that I was gonna propose to, and I chose wrong, she broke me. I lost 2 of the greatest people I've ever known.. It was my fault that he died, all my fault.” 
    The voice went from angry, to sad, with pain behind it the whole time. It was a voice I recognized, It was Y/n’s voice I realized as my heart sunk. I felt a lot more guilt about Peter's death than I had before, more guilt about Y/n than I had before. “He was gonna propose?” i asked myself when the screaming died down “And I did that to him, it's my fault that he feels this way,  I'm so stupid” “Hey Gwen?” my friend MJ said “yeah?'' I asked and she told me that they were leaving. “I need to see him after school,” I said to myself.

Broken - Book 1 (Gwen-Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now