Dinner, and More Yelling

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Y/n Pov

I took the pizza and the two liter to the table and got some cups and plates from my cabinet and we ate. This was the only time I had really gotten to look at her, she was beautiful, and she caught me staring. “Y/n, you there?” she asked “Yes, sorry I had a flashback, I’ve been having them for a while.” I told her “Oh yeah?” Gwen asks me in a sweet tone, moving from sitting across from me to next to me. “Mind sharing?” Gwen finishes. I explain it to her.


    I woke up, today was Valentine’s day. Me and Gwen’s first, and I wanted to make it special, so I gave her a text “Good morning, beautiful” That wasn't all I had planned, my phone buzzed and Gwen said thanks as well as good morning to me, adding the word handsome to me, which made me feel all the more special. I asked if she wanted to meet for lunch, I had been saving so I could take her out to a nice restaurant.

    3 hours later I drove to her house to pick her up, I went to the door with a box of chocolates, and Gwen’s favorite flowers, dressed in a suit. Mr. Stacy greeted me and gave me the standard dad talk, “What are your intentions with my daughter, how are you gonna treat her, be a gentleman, no funny business.” I answered all the questions right and ended with a polite “Yes sir” “Good man” George complimented.

    Gwen came downstairs in a gorgeous dress. I walked to the bottom landing and gave her the flowers and chocolate, which she stored at her house in a vase of water and as for the chocolates in the cabinet.

    I then brought Gwen to the door opened the door for her, bringing up an old debate “See, chivalry isn’t dead after all” I said with a smirk “I guess not” she said, I then drove her to the restaurant and we had a nice lunch, me holding doors for her and being a gentleman. “Oh wow, look at these prices" Gwen said with a cringe. “Don’t look at the prices, just order whatever you like, my treat, even if I have to scrub the floors to pay” I said with sarcasm and Gwen thanked me

    After lunch we went back to my place where we changed into more comfy clothes and cuddled while I put on a movie. “What sounds good, 'The Space Between Us' or 'The Fault In Our Stars'?” I asked and Then I put on the second option while me and Gwen got under a warm blanket.

    After ending up watching both movies I made a romantic dinner and then dessert. “Wow Y/n, I knew you were a man of many talents but I didn’t know you could cook” Gwen complimented “Well,” I said putting the chocolate cake I made on the table and finished my sentence smiling “now you know” 

Gwen Pov

    “Now, I need to go grab something from my room real fast,” Y/n said, leaving after he cut me and gave him a slice of cake. He then came out with a guitar on his chest and sang me two songs, the first was my favorite called 'Say You Won’t Let Go' by James Bay as well as an original song he wrote about me, both of which he sang and played beautifully. We sat talking for a while and then he drove me home 

Flashback Ends

Y/n Pov

    “I remember,” Gwen said smiling, “It was the best valentine’s day I’ve ever had, and you made it really special.” “Yeah,” I said smiling at the memory “I was happy then, but If I knew how things would have ended I wouldn't have done that all.” I could see the hurt and guilt in Gwen’s face “I’m sorry, that was rude, I mean that I’m just sad we split” “It’s okay Y/n,” Gwen replied “I should get going, thanks for tonight though Y/n”

    Gwen was walking towards the door when she noticed the picture I face down and looked at it, her face turning sad. I spaced out, remembering that night as if it happened yesterday, then again how could you forget the night your best friend died and your other one abandoned you.

    Gwen noticed my 1000 mile long stare, one she knew all too well “Y/n, Y/N!” she said “Hu-Oh sorry, spaced again”
“It fine”
“It’s not”
“It is”
“Not really, I see him everywhere still, in the halls, on the street, and everytime I close my eyes. That’s why I haven't been sleeping, and when I do I get nightmares about when it happened.”
“I get it Y/n, I went through it, but the only way to get through it is to accept i-”

    I snapped “Accept it, what is there to not accept, he died, it's my fault, and now he haunts me. And I still haven't been able to kill Kingpin for it!” I ranted “Y/n,” Gwen said, shaking me, “It is not your fault, it is Fisk’s. Do you think Peter would want you to be like this, all sad and mopey? No Peter would want you to move on. You said you're broken, huh? Well pick up the pieces and put them back together.” “How?” I said with despair in my eyes, and Gwen noticed “You glue them together and you keep moving forward. You will never be the same, nothing can change that,  but you can move on” Gwen said while shaking me. 

    The realization hit me like a bus. and I stopped crying. and I hugged Gwen, we just stood there, I never wanted to leave her embrace, but she eventually left. That night I realized that I still really love her, and she still loves me. “Ohhh, so that’s Gwen” Venom said “Not now” I replied and went to bed. I forgot to mention, I had been talking with Venom for a while.

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