Spiderman Vs. SHIELD

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I woke up the next day went to school and since my suit was ruined I went to a clothing store where I bought sweatpants, a hoodie and a ski mask and glasses to be my new suit, I used these to make my new suit, I didn't have the time to make a regular one right now. I assembled and got new shoes for it, I didn't buy anything I have so that it wouldn't look like I could be spiderman. I studied with Gwen, and got more progress on our monopoly game until food got here, it was Chinese tonight. She left and I got caught up on some TV I missed lately. I was sitting there under the blanket when my police radio went off. "I need all units to assist, there is a terrorist attack taking place at oscorp" "Terrorists, what!"

I arrived there and my spidey-sense located the bomb which I took to the roof and used my webs to launch it into the air, where it exploded. Gwen arrived there after the bomb exploded "Check for other bombs, get any wounded civilians medical attention," I ordered her as I saw the the helicopter the culprits where escaping on "I got the perps" I finished, Gwen ran off and I shot my webs at the helicopter my heels digging into the concrete to keep it on place, the gunner on the chopper shot them free, I got cover and waited a few seconds to let them think they got away and ran towards the edge of the roof, jumping and reaching for the foot rails of the chopper when I was grabbed from the air by a drone and dropped me in a field, who nows how far away from where I started "The fuck?" I asked and my Venom suit appeared, as it did when I was in a high danger situation. "Stay vigilant" Venom warned me. I was glad the suit was on me because the black goo provided some armor but not enough to stop a bullet or prevent pain. "Fury," a feminine voice said behind my back "I have the target in my sights, I'm preparing to engage" She charged at me and I backfliped over her, her back now facing me. She had red hair and was wearing a skin tight leather suit with tactical gear on her person, including guns ''Who are you and why are you attacking me?" I asked her and she turned to face me, she was pretty, alright, looked Russian "My name is Natalia Romanov, but you can call me Black Widow, and I am here to seize the symbiote that infects you. So hand it over or SHIELD can take it. And may I remind you that you don't need to be alive for us to assume control of the asset." She said, the name explained why she looked Russian "Well I'm Y/n L/n, Spiderman more commonly known, and you can fuck off, Nat" I replied, refilling my web shooters and I got into a defense position, my fists up.

"So the hard way it is" Nat said and drew her pistols, in reflex I dodged all the shots running at her and taking one of the guns, throwing it away and getting back into a fighting stance. She used some type of magnet to bring her gun back to her, she fired more shots and I tried to dodge but Venom took control and put my left forearm up. I expected the pain of the bullet but it never came. I opened my closed eyes to see a black circular shield with a spider symbol on it "Nice" I said to myself "Kinda reminds me of someone" Nat said and she pulled out combat sticks, glowing with electricity, venom gave me my own combat sticks and I attacked black widow, her blocking or parrying all of my attacks and me doing the same to hers, I had been holding back, but I put in a final drive, attacking with speed only a spider person could handle and I defeated Natalie ''Of the two spiders the radioactive one wins'' I said and I ran back to the city till there was things I could swing on, and then I swung and landed on a long roof. I was running when I got knocked off the roof and landed in a tall, corporate looking building where a blonde man in a red white and blue suit with a shield the same shape and size as mine but in his colors, looked like our shields were the same metal too.
"What are you, a popsicle?"
"That's Captain America to you"
"And are you with Black Widow?"

I charged Cap and we dueled, using our sheilds as swords too. I knocked him down and said "I can do this all day" "That's my line" he replied and got up. I got one of my fighting sticks out in my right hand and continued fighting Cap, eventually throwing him over the railing of the walkway we were on, I was running out when I heard him hit the ground with a clang, guessing he used his shield to stop his fall. "Attention, this is Spiderman, anyone here who is partner S.H.I.E.L.D, back off, I defeated Captain America and Black Widow" I said over the intercom and I ran off. "Thanks for the help Venom" I told my guest and he replied "Yea sure". I went home home and watched TV instead if going to bed since it was 6 in the morning and I have to wake up at 7.

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