Father-Daughter Talk

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Y/n Pov

    I was kicking Gwen's ass in monopoly when the food got here, I got it from the door and set it on the table, getting drinks for me and Gwen, I felt Venom trying to pop out, he was strong this time and I fell to my knees "Y/n" Gwen said as she came to me "What's wrong" she asked "Nothing, I don't know why I fell" I lied, "I haven't eaten a lot today, probably just low blood sugar" I lied and I sat at the table, starting to eat with the girl who had been very kind to me these last couple of days, I looked at my phone when we were done eating.

"Guess What"
"You know that movie we've been talking about for a while"
"It finally came out on Netflix"
"Wait really"
"We can watch it later, but I gotta shower, I still smell like alcohol"

    I finished showering and brushing my teeth, I walked out after getting dressed and went to the TV and pulled up Netflix, I sat next to Gwen on the couch and got under the blanket, we watched the movie in silence, I only talked to point out something that wasn't right or didn't make sense "That's not how that happened" I said and Gwen laughed, she was used to the way I watched movies. Some time later the movie finished and me and Gwen talked

"So Y/n, I noticed you've been using a different suit when you patrol"
"Yeah, my old one was trashed after that run in with the lizard"
"Oof, could I see the suit"
"Yeah, I guess"

    I walked off to my room and put on my spider suit. I had painted a spider on it, it was on my left side and the legs of the spider reminded me of a superhero from DC, Firestorm, I walked out of my room.

"This is it"
"It looks good for a sweatshirt, the spider reminds me of Firestorm"
"I was thinking the same thing"
"Its cool"

    Gwen got a text and told me she needed to leave

Gwen Pov

    I arrived at my house, dad needed me and asked me to talk.

"Hey Gwen"
"Hey dad"
"Where were you last night"
"I already told you, I finished helping Y/n and then I went to MJ's and slept over, she was upset, it was her and Peter's anniversary"
"Gwen don't lie, I know you weren't at MJ's, I talked to her mom, so where were you really, and don't lie"
"I was… At a friends"
"Y-… Y/n's"

    I was trying to calm my dad down but he had already taken out his police gun and chambered a round.

"I'm gonna kill him"
"Dad, its okay, please stop"
"Did he hurt you?"
"No he was kind"
"Why would he be, he broke up with you, I knew I never should have let you help him study"
"Dad, he didn't break up with me, I broke up with him"
"I never told you I knew Peter, his death hit me hard, I broke up with Y/n because I didn't want to risk getting hurt… He hated me for the longest time, I've been rebuilding our friendship this last week"
"Dad let me finish, I still like Y/n, So I've been hanging out with him after we study"
"That doesn't explain why you stayed over, you guys didn't do anything right?"
"No dad, of course not, Y/n just asked me to stay and I did"
"I still need to know something, has he treated you right"
"Yes dad, hes bought dinner for me every night, I tried to pay tonight, but he payed before I could, he has been a gentleman, he's never hurt me"
"I accidentally upset him today, and he punched through his door, I stayed with him for a bit then I came back here and went back to his house to study"
"Does he make you happy?"
"Yes dad, he does, he really does"
"Than I can accept it, but no more staying over at his house overnight"
"Yes sir"

    I finished telling dad about how Peter's death affected Y/n and after me and dad talked I went to bed and the next morning school. In the hall between 6th and seventh period Tyler talked to me, I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

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