The Dad Talk, Thanks Mr. Stacy

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    In the office Mr. Rose and I talked.

"Hello Mr. L/n"
"I know why I'm here, you don't have to ask"
"Okay then, why did you start a fight with Mr. Jenson?"
"My friend was trying to walk away from him and he grabbed her, I intervened and he punched me, I slapped him and it escalated from there"
"Why did you feel the need to intervene"
"He has taken advantage of other girls before, and I felt it was my duty to help keep one from his grip"
"Bullies need to be stopped"
"That they do"
"Why are we talking, if your giving me a therapy session might as well let Mrs. Betts do it"
"I understand you've had a fight with another student as well, Mr. Thompson? Is that correct?"
"What made you feel the need to start a fight with him?"
"He was messing with me, and he talked about my parents, insulted them, so I punched him"
"Y/n, I understand this has been a hard year for you, have you considered talking to an actual therapist?"
"I don't need one"
"Why is that"
"There are aspects of my life I can't talk about, it is involved with the events of a year ago"
"What aspects"
"Ones I can't talk about"
"On a side note, how have your study sessions with Ms. Stacy been going"
"There okay"
"Just okay?"
"She helps me study and then we hang out"

    I finished in the principal's office and went home after school there was a package at my door, it was the thing I was gonna use on the next I punched through,  it was a curtain, it would cover the whole door. After I finished putting it up, there was a knock at my door, I checked my watch, Gwen shouldn't be here yet, maybe she came early. I opened the door and Mr. Stacy was standing there. "Mr. Stacy, come in'' I said and we sat at my table.

"Hi Y/n"
"What brings you by?"
"I understand that Gwen has been helping you study"
"Yes sir, she been a great help, I really appreciate everything she's done for me"
"I also know that she's been hanging out here after, and that she spent the night"
"Yes sir, I apologize if that upset you"
"Its okay Y/n,"
"Wait what?"
"Its okay, Gwen really enjoys your company, you make her happy, happier than she's been in a while"
"I'm glad"
"Here, I'd like to repay you for buying my daughter dinner these last couple nights"
"Put your wallet away, I didn't pay for Gwen's food because I was expecting money, I did it because I wanted to, and she deserved it for all she's done for me"
"I'll just leave it here"
"There's no need"
"And Y/n, if you hurt her, I will not hesitate to kill you"
"Yes sir"

    Mr. Stacy looked at me, and I looked him in the eye, this surprised and impressed him, he must have noticed the bruise on my jaw from Tyler punching me and he saw the bruises and cuts on my knuckles due to my hands being on the table. "Have you been fighting" he asked.

"Yes and no, the bruises on my knuckles and my jaw are because of a fight the cuts are from punching through my door" I said and I opened the door to show him the hole in it that was covered by the curtain, I sat back down and we continued talking.

"Why did you punch the door?"
"I was mad"
"What about the fight, why did that happened"
"What did my daughter have to do with you punching someone"
"She tried to walk away from the guy, he grabbed her and I told him to let her go, he has taken advantage of girls before. He punched me, that's how I got the bruise on my jaw, and I beat him up, your daughter stopped me from knocking him out"
"Is that really true?"
"Ask Gwen, or the hallway full of people that watched"
"I admire your bravery Y/n, thank you for helping Gwen"
"Your welcome"
"But seriously, if you hurt her I will end you"
"I would rather die than hurt Gwen"

    Mr. Stacy smiled at me and I asked him one thing "Can you not tell Gwen that last part. I want to be the one to tell her, and I hope I have your blessing to potentially date your daughter again" I asked and he said yes and left, before I tucked the money he gave me into his chest pocket.

"How heartwarming"
"Go away Venom"
"I cant go away"
"Bye, I have to go do something"
"Like what?"
"Kill Kingpin, for me and for Gwen"

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