Movie Night

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     I put in the movie and asked Y/n to sit next to me in the bed, which he did reluctantly. I think it might have reminded him of when we were together. "Come one doofus" I said with a smile as he climbed into the bed next to me, I then put the blanket over him "There you go, you don't have to be nervous" I said 

"Sorry, just being back here brings back memories"
"Like what?"
"Like that time your dad came in here when we were making out, or other movies we watched together, or the last time I came in through that window with a hole in my chest."
"Yeah, those were some good times, except when one of us was missing blood"

    Y/n suddenly stopped talking, clearly intrigued with the movie, so I turned my attention to it as well. I grabbed Y/n's wrist and put his arm around me, leaning into him. I felt him tense up a bit when I did this, then relaxed as he grew more comfortable with the contact. We stayed like this, silent until the movie was over, except for the shining part, when the witch came out of the bathtub when I squealed and nuzzled my head into Y/n's shoulder. After that we stayed silent even for a few minutes after. "So what'd you think" Y/n asked, breaking the silence.

"About what?"
"The movie of course"
"Oh it was great, I liked the final battle"
"Me too, but I really should get going"

Y/n Pov

"Me too, but I really should get going" I said to Gwen "Goodnight Gwen" "Goodnight Y/n" She replied and I put my shoes on and grabbed my backpack "Y/n?" She said and I turned to face her as she walked up to me and kissed my cheek. I gave her a small smile and jumped out the window to the fire escape, swinging away to my house, but not before grabbing a sandwich from my favorite shop and eating it, then going home and going to bed.

    I woke up the next morning and met Luke for breakfast. We talked, I left out last night at Gwen's, I just told him about the Lizard attack, speaking of which I had to get Gwen to give me stitches and whatever was on Lizard's claws when he cut me was keeping my speed healing from kicking in, ouch. After breakfast we went to school, The first couple periods were slow, a few of them were with Gwen, but I tried to focus on the teacher instead of her, however ineffective that was. "Who is Gwen?" Venom asked me "No one, now go away i'm in school" I replied and the bell rang

    I was at lunch with Luke, talking about how useless captain Phasma was in star wars when a teacher gave me a slip of paper. "Can I go to school one day without getting called into the office?" I said looking at the roof and I gathered my things and walked towards imminent doom, like a lamb to the slaughter. 

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