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Y/n Pov

    Me and Gwen talked for a bit after the movie until she challenged me to a match of injustice. "You are about to get a rude awakening if you think you can beat me at my own game" I said with a playfully tone "Well see" Gwen said, taking my extra controller and I launched the game. I picked Batman and she chose Harley Quinn. I drew the battle out, getting Gwen close to death, letting her get me to the halfway point along the way. I wanted to let her win so I missed my attacks on purpose and blocked late, landing hits occasionally. Gwen eventually used her super-move to Kill me 
"Good game, Mrs. Quinn"
"You too batsy"
"Thanks again for your help with all this Gwen, I owe you"
"Spending time with you is payment enough"

Gwen Pov

    Y/n smiled at what I just said, I couldn't resist any longer and I kissed him, holding the embrace for several moments before he pulled away.

"No, I promised myself I wouldn't do this"
"Do what"
"This, I can't be in a relationship again, not after everything that's happened"
"Its okay Y/n"
"I- I can't do this Gwen I'm sorry-"

    I knew Y/n just didn't want to get hurt again, and I wouldn't hurt him, not again. I kissed him again, he was tense but he melted into the kiss, I could feel it intensifying by the second as he kissed me more passionately and with more force. We kissed for several minutes until I pulled away. "I have to get going Y/n, thanks for dinner" I said to Y/n "You can stay" He said and he led me to his bed by the hand where we lay cuddling until we fell asleep.

Y/n Pov

    I dreamt of Gwen that night, we were together, I was happy. That's all I remembered from it. It was the first night in a while I hadn't had nightmares and I was glad. I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't felt the weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Gwen, it surprised me so much so that I fell out of bed, I quickly recovered, Gwen was startled to wake up in my room as well 

"Who is that"
"Y/n, remember, your in my bed, you slept over last night"
"I did?, I DID?!"
"What's wrong"
"My dad is probably worried sick, and if he knew I was with you, oh god"
"You can tell him you stayed at MJ's, she'd definitely cover for you"

Gwen got out of bed and started getting dressed, she put on her clothes from yesterday and I let her borrow one of my hoodies. "It's freezing outside, take this" I said as I handed it to her. I noticed that I cut my palm on my knife, it was on the ground blade open "Why the fuck did I leave that there" I said as I stood up and went to get paper towels from the kitchen. I made Gwen breakfast and I cleaned up the blood that dripped onto the ground before eating my own breakfast. "Thanks Y/n, I owe you one" Gwen said "You don't owe me anything" I said and I drove her to school.

Broken - Book 1 (Gwen-Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now